
OPEN CALL Lustr festival 2023 Prague

You are an illustrator or comics creator but did not exhibit at the LUSTR festival yet? Sign up for free and become part of the largest exhibition of illustrations in Czech Republic! Present the best of your work in one of two exhibition categories: illustration or comics. We welcome professionals and hobby illustrations.

Send applications by May 31, 2023 ——>

OPEN CALL: Artist in Residence 2023 @Petrohradská kolektiv, Prague

Artist In Residence 2023

Petrohradská kolektiv announces an open call for artists to participate in an international program Artist in Residence for the year 2023.

The residency program is intended for active artists, creators, and theoreticians, who desire independence and want space and technical support for working on their projects. That’s what the Petrohradská kolektiv AiR program offers in the heart of a multi-genre cultural center in Prague. The goal of the program is creating an open platform for international artistic dialogue, interconnection of different cultures, and support for emerging artists working with diverse media.

International Art Residency

Our residency is open to any artist who does not have a permanent residence in Prague. Are you interested in discovering the local scene and participating in the gallery's residency program during July/August of 2023? The residency will end with a final exhibition of the selected applicant's project. The residency is for one or two individuals due to the size of the offered accommodation.

The call is open to:

Garage Gallery OPEN CALL 2023

Our residency is open to any artist who does not have a permanent residence in Prague. Are you interested in discovering the local scene and participating in the gallery's residency program during July/August of 2023? The residency will end with a final exhibition of the selected applicant's project. The residency is for one or two individuals due to the size of the offered accommodation.

The call is open to:

Other Edges of the World

Within the framework of an international project supported by the Creative Europe program, we are looking for artists based in Slovakia or Spain who are willing to work in the international context and are interested in working with the topic of center/periphery dichotomy with a new and challenging approach.


About the project


Expanding the boundaries of what is commonly perceived as performance MeetFactory A-i-R offers a residency dedicated to SAUNA. In the cold days of late autumn of 2023, we would like to work with artists whose project is going to circulate around the topic of wellness and well-being spotted at places sucha as steam chamber, banya, or natural sauna hut. Exploring the cultural and political background of sweating we are open to artists who treat the sauna as a stage for performance, sight for rituals, or safe space for healing procedures. Feel free to apply with projects that are going to examine the sauna phenomenon critically - as long as you will be willing to practice the sauna yourself and allow others to participate.


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