
Studio Tours Open Call

We are now accepting rolling submissions for our Studio Tours Open Call as part of our Creative Spaces interview series.

Studio Tours provides an intimate setting for visitors to get to know creatives where they’re most comfortable — in their creative spaces. If you’re a visual artist, writer, musician, or other creative with a designated art space, we want to hear from you.

This call is open to all creators 18 years and older, and responses can be submitted in a written, auditory, or visual format.

Superpresent Winter Issue

Superpresent is looking for all forms of visual art and writing on the theme Provocations/Instigations. "Provocations" -- Provocative; provoking; actions, language, a revelation, a manipulation, a deception, a seduction. "Instigations" -- Instigators. Instigated. The cause of it all, who did indeed start the fire and how do I start one myself, guides to fire-starting, subtle uses of media, documentary stories or pictures or fantasy or instruction manuals or recipes welcome. We would love to see you in print.

Torino Fringe Festival 2024

This call to take part in the Torino Fringe Festival 12,
that will take place between 17 may and 2 June, is already open. You can send us your proposals for theatre, audiovisual, performance, music, dance, circus, stand-up comedy, or any other performance genius that comes to mind up until 30 October 2023.
To apply for this call you must consult these guidelines, sign up to and complete the application form with the dates of your proposed activity. Links can be found below.

✏️DEADLINE: Monday, 30th October 2023

1️⃣ Consult the guidelines at

2️⃣ Log-In or Register

3️⃣ Fill the form with the dates of your proposed activity


The São João Residence is calling for projects! Up to11 candidates will be selected to take part in the fifth SOMSOCOSMOS sonic residence.

The residence provides structures for sound/music creation and recording, knowledge sharing and partnership establishment, between musicians and other creatives as well. The applications are open to all interested in collaborating with musicians and / or whose work / research is permeated by sound (musicians, sound artists, writers, activists, therapists, filmmakers, scientists, dancers, etc.).

Technarte Bilbao 2024

The Technarte International Conference on Art and Technology will be held in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain on May 24, 2024. 

We are currently looking for artists and technologists from around the world who want to join this exciting event as a speaker and share their vision of the fusion between art, science and technology.

Selected speakers will present their work in a professional yet friendly atmosphere. They also will:

Fuseless Fan OPEN CALL

Fuseless Fan is calling all artists and collectives who want to collaborate and become part of the project!
We will be selecting art to display at our events, exhibitions, to feature in our zines, and to be sold online and at our mobile stands.

If you identify as part of an underrepresented community, regardless of what your art is and looks like we welcome your application and want to hear from you!!
!!at any point during our collaboration we may offer you the possibility of becoming a resident artist!!


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