
Ripples Open Call

——— THEMES ———

We are products of our environment, shaped by the countless influences that surround us. Our actions, like ripples on the surface of a pond, extend far beyond their initial point of origin. From the habits we adopt to the sayings we share, every interaction leaves an expanding mark on the world. A ripple is transient, but its effects continue in a way that cannot easily be traced back to the source. Ripples dives into the interconnectedness of human experience, unveiling the subtle threads that bind us together.

"Order & Chaos" - FREE Entry, $1,000 Award Competition

Announcing the inaugural "Order & Chaos" international competition and virtual exhibition. Artists of all ages from around the world are invited to participate, with complete freedom in choosing their medium and style. Submissions should revolve around the central theme of "Order & Chaos" Entry is entirely free, and only those artists whose submissions are chosen as finalists will be required to pay a $35 participation fee. Finalists will have their artwork showcased in the online exhibition and will advance to the final jurying round in consideration for cash prizes and the opportunity to win the grand prize of $1,000. Awards will be granted to those whose works demonstrates the greatest level of creativity and artistry.  

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