
Join Artistic Hub: Showcase Your Art to a Global Audience

Artistic Hub Open Call

Showcase Your Art and Inspire the World

Artistic Hub, a Swiss online magazine dedicated to making art accessible and engaging for everyone, is thrilled to announce our latest open call for artists. We invite emerging and established artists to present their work through exclusive interviews that highlight their unique creative journeys.

What We Offer:

Catalogue Publication

Artist Feature catalogue articles are published on our website and on our Substack page. Typically, only the best in show artists get featured in the catalogue with a critical review.  Apply to participate in one of our online exhibits in order to have a chance at becoming published. 

Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair 2024

Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair is an annual independent publisher event that takes place in Vienna, Austria. It is focused on showcasing self-published publications and independent works in the fields of art, design, literature, culture and more. The fair provides a platform for artists, writers, and publishers, galleries, institutions and bookshops: to present and sell their works to a wider audience, as well as to network and connect with others in the scene.

Solo Exhibition & Catalogue Publication

Our online group exhibitions and publication contests have no application or registration fees. 

However, artists who would like to apply for a two month online solo exhibition and get published in our artist feature catalogue can apply by making a $35 donation to Aedra Fine Arts. Donate at and email us your resume, artist website, and 3 image samples to the curator at Our solo exhibitions /catalogue publication artists are selected on a quarterly basis. 

Call to Artists: Collage Publishing Workshop

Consider this: The book, not the gallery, is the best place to experience collage. This sentiment has broad implications for how collage artists work and how their work is received by an art world whose orientation is decidedly fixed on the gallery wall. Can the book provide for the functions that the exhibition has provided to artists for so long? Will the public accept a book as an experience of artwork or even as an object of art in and of itself? Unlike an exhibition where only original work is on display, a book depends on reproduction for its distribution. And if we now accept the book as on par with the exhibition, how does that affect how we think of the history of art publishing that has come before? These are the questions we seek to answer.


The magazine of ANIMA MUNDI ACADEMIA for professional art includes critiques, essay, artists interviews, curated exhibitions, information for collectors, curators, artists and art lovers, as well represents auctions and exhibitions, galleries and projects worldwide.

The magazine is published online and in limited edition perfect quality hard copies.  (Italy (Milan)/Lithuania)


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