
Open Call : Public Art Residency

Greywood Arts is delighted to introduce Unexpected Spaces, a new residency opportunity for artists with a public art practice. This one-month residency offers accommodation, workspace and materials to a visual or performing artist interested in exploring a public art project in the rural East Cork Village of Killeagh.

Call for entries: TDP'19 international dance festival: films events

About TDP'19

TDP' is Tipperary Dance Platform’s international dance festival. TDP'19 will take place the 7-13 October 2019


TDP'19 screendance programme

The festival's screendance programme presents a selection of short dance films (max. 15 minutes) from around the world. TDP' is looking for innovative artworks created through the cross-breeding of dance and the syntax of cinema to create original forms.



Films must be no longer than 15 minutes. The selected films will be included in either of two programmes: 

Step Up Dance Programme

Step Up: Dance Project 2019:

Open Call for Recent Dance Graduates

Step Up Dance Programme 2019 brings a new outlook and continues to bridge the gap between dance education and professional contemporary dance practice in Ireland.  Step Up is curated by Irish born, Marguerite Donlon, International choreographer and Director of “Donlon Dance Collective”, based in Berlin.


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