

Sabato 20 maggio verrà inaugurata al MA-EC la mostra Mirrors, doppia personale di Oscar Luca Taddei e Yazlina Yazid, a cura di Stefania Ferrari.


EuroMobili: Art on the wall

Take part at the call Euromobili: art on the wall promoted by Moca srl owner of the brand Euromobili – storia e design dal 1959 and by Associazione Culturale Defloyd organizer of the project Arte Pubblica, to realize a wall painting outdoor at the Euromobili – storia e design dal 1959 showroom, situated in Statale 80km 94+700, Mosciano Sant’Angelo (TE). The artists will be called a site specific work (April 2017), attributable to business of furniture factory, starting from the history of the company, from his know how, to improve the building.

It’s expected a prize money of euro 1500,00.

YICCA International Contest of Contemporary Art 16/17

YICCA International Contest of Contemporary Art 16/17

The competition’s aim is to promote the enrolled artists, giving them chance to join the international market of contemporary art. Internationality and networking make YICCA a huge opportunity for the artists, which can:

• Win a cash prize:

- Euro 3000,00 (three thousand/00) money prize to the first selected

- Euro 1000,00 (one thousand/00) money prize to the second selected

• Promote their art through a variety of channels:

- exhibit the selected artworks in a exhibition space, determined by competition.

- improve the relationship between finalists and critics, curators, gallery owners, public and private art institutions that will have access to this important exhibition.

T.I.N.A. Art Prize: 10 Opportunities in Chicago + Roma + Mexico City

T.I.N.A. is an international platform that allows artists to get in touch with a network of galleries and curators interested in evaluating new projects. Our call is open to all artists, regardless of age and nationality.

Artists working with all mediums are encouraged to apply creating an online profile where to upload a mini-portfolio. At the end of the call, each gallery in the jury will select one artist to organize a solo exhibition/event and start a true collaboration. Furthermore, your work will be seen and voted by our international curatorial board.

There are currently three T.I.N.A. editions:

Grants for professional performers announced

Grants for professional performers announced: 
dancers, choreographers, actors of dance, physical theatre, drama, musical theatre, contemporary circus artists, movement directors, physical theatre directors, multidisciplinary artists.

PREMIO OPEN 15a edizione Premio Speciale Collaterale alla 72. Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica.


15a edizione

Premio Speciale Collaterale alla  72. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica


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