San Bernardo / Cundinamarca

Residency – November 2024 – Colombia

ArteSumapaz is a non-profit arts and culture nonprofit organization located on a magical piece of terrain in the Andean mountains, about four hours outside Bogotá. The artist residency program (AIR) is designed for visual artists, musicians, writers, architects, clay artists, performers, and other makers. It is a self-directed residency, where artists have full access to studio spaces of all kinds (visual art, music, movement, writing, etc.) throughout the vast and beautiful campus that includes a natural park in process of about 230 acres. Artists are given the space, freedom, and encouragement to explore and experiment with their work.

Half Volunteer Residency – November 2024 – Colombia

All the participants in ArteSumapaz are Artists in residence, with that said the volunteer program looks to open a more affordable payment method. The volunteer tasks can vary depending on the needs of the residency at the moment, but the main working areas are kitchen cleaning, library management, composting, recycling, and general maintenance (in the main house, the studios, and the natural park). The agreement of half volunteer request 12 hours of work per week. The artist residency program (AIR) is designed for visual artists, musicians, writers, architects, clay artists, performers, and other makers.

Half Volunteer Residency – October 2024 – Colombia

All the participants in ArteSumapaz are Artists in residence, with that said the volunteer program looks to open a more affordable payment method. The volunteer tasks can vary depending on the needs of the residency at the moment, but the main working areas are kitchen cleaning, library management, composting, recycling, and general maintenance (in the main house, the studios, and the natural park). The agreement of half volunteer request 12 hours of work per week. The artist residency program (AIR) is designed for visual artists, musicians, writers, architects, clay artists, performers, and other makers.

Residency Space – Colombia November 2024 –

Opening for the community at the exhibition space. 

Half Volunteer Residency in Colombia June 2024. MEALS INCLUDED.

All the participants in ArteSumapaz are Artists in residence, with that said the volunteer program looks to open a more affordable payment method. The volunteer tasks can vary depending on the needs of the residency at the moment, but the main working areas are kitchen cleaning, library management, composting, recycling, and general maintenance (in the main house, the studios, and the natural park). The agreement of half volunteer request 12 hours of work per week. The artist residency program (AIR) is designed for visual artists, musicians, writers, architects, clay artists, performers, and other makers.

3 Month Residency Opportunity

Announcing artist residencies designed for the reopening of Colombia; for visual artists, musicians, writers, architects, clay artists, performers, and other makers.

We’re not quite out of the woods on the COVID epidemic, but international travel has been reopening all around the world. Back in March ‘20, we went into lockdown with 13 artists, and learned a lot in the process. Since then, we’ve hosted another dozen or so artists with extra precautions to keep everyone safe, yet maximize the artist’s experience. We believe that a key part of the AIR experience is the commensality – those wonderful conversations we have while sharing a glass of wine and a good meal, along with the freedom to focus on your work.

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