Award & Prize

International Photography Contest

Photographers from all over the world are invited to submit their work. All styles and levels of experience are welcome. Winners will be selected by a jury and announced on May 4. The winning selections will be printed and framed by FMoPA and exhibited in the Community Gallery from June 1-July 23. There will be a formal opening reception from 5-7 p.m. June 28 at the museum.


OPEN CALL: Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize 2019

The fifth anniversary of the internationally successful Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize is open for entries. The prize is open to artists working across all genres, styles and backgrounds. The overall deadline has been extended to the 24 February, there will not be any further extension! This year the prize launch 2 new awards - the New Media Award - open to artists who use technology within their practice and the Photography Award.  We are a prize that focuses on supporting not just winners but all artists involved.


World Illustration Awards 2019 - deadline extended to 17 February!

The Association of Illustrators (AOI), in partnership with USA-based Directory of Illustration (DI), is delighted to announce that due to popular demand the World Illustration Awards 2019 deadline is now extended until 17 February 2019. 

Illustrators, and their commissioners, agents and tutors are invited to submit work made since January 2018 to the eight categories of the Awards: Advertising, Books sponsored by NoBrow, Children’s Books sponsored by Walker Books, Design, Editorial, Experimental, Research and Site Specific, representing the major areas in which illustration is made for today. 

Studio Montclair ViewPoints 2019 Annual

Studio Montclair seeks entries for the 22nd Annual Open Juried Exhibition “ViewPoints 2019” at Studio Montclair Gallery, Studio Montclair’s nonprofit gallery located in the downtown Montclair Arts District from May 2 to June 15, 2019.

 “ViewPoints,” now in its 22nd year, expands the reach of SMI to introduce artists not only from New Jersey but from across the nation and the world to our regional community. Over the last 21 years, we have had many prominent jurors and artists participate in this exhibition.


Thermae Bath Spa is offering a £7,500 commission to produce 9 works which will be installed in the busy restaurant in June 2019. Thermae welcomes approximately 285,000 visitors through the building per year. Thermae are looking for work that is inspired by the natural thermal waters and promotes holistic wellbeing. The waters are a key reason for Bath being designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and being credited as one of the Great Spas of Europe.  In the heart of the World Heritage Site, Thermae Bath Spa is a remarkable combination of ‘old and new’ where historic spa buildings blend with the contemporary design of the New Royal Bath.

CALL FOR ENTRIES: The Biennial Ruth Borchard Self-Portrait Prize 2019

Abstract and Representational artists are invited to submit a Self-Portrait for the chance to win £10,000, to have their work included in a prestigiuos exhibition and, the opportunity to have it purchased for the UKs only colleciton of Self-Portraits

The prize will accept any media. 

The only criteria is that the work must be a representaiton of self - this could be from memory or imagination and the individual may be presented alone or in a group. 

All initial submissions to be made online before the 6th April 2019.


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