
CALL FOR ART - Art Seen Magazine Winter 2024

Art Seen is an international art publication delivered in print and digital formats.

Submit to be featured in this global art publication. Suitable for painting, printmaking, drawing, sculpture, installation art, fiber art, fine art photography. The platform exists to share art with new audiences and help artists expand their reach and visibility. All submissions are considered for various sections of the publication including interviews, profiles and studio visits.

Call for artists working in painting, drawing, sculpture, installation art, fiber art, mixed media and printmaking for the Winter 2024 issue due to be published in November 2024. All submissions are considered for all areas of the magazine including interviews and studio visits

Publish Your Work in an Ivy League Magazine

The Penn Journal of Arts and Sciences (PJAS) is a vibrant platform for individuals all around the world to share their scholarly and creative pursuits. The diverse voices amplified by our journal showcase research findings, creative articles, poetry, reviews, and art. With contributors from all walks of life, PJAS aims to cultivate a community rich with intellectual curiosity. PJAS accepts submissions on a rolling basis, with the next issue to be published in summer 2024.

Rise Colossus : Critical Review Catalogue Publication & Online Exhibit (No Fees)

No application, publication, or participation fees. No fees. Up to six best in show artists will have their work published in the catalogue with detailed critical essays written by the curators. Artists participating in the online exhibit will have two works of art on display and links to their website and social media. Artists keep 100% sales of their work.

You can apply for online exhibits by emailing us at

How to apply:

Email your resume, 3 image samples, and artist website.

Artist Feature Catalogue articles are published on our website at and on our Substack page at


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