Fashion Quarterly

Fashion Quarterly is New Zealand’s definitive fashion and beauty guide.

At the start of each season, the magazine analyses all the important trends as they happen.

Fashion Quarterly takes the subject of fashion seriously, giving readers a glamorous and inspirational ride through the very best each season has to offer locally, as well helping out with practical guidance on how to make the most of it in their own wardrobes.

Beautiful photography and informed fashion and beauty journalism make the magazine relevant, aspirational and entertaining for every woman with an eye for fashion.



Country: United States
City: Los Angeles

TANTALUM is difficult to isolate, in nature it's usually found accompanied by another compound chemically similar but uniquely different. Fashion editorials bring together a diverse team of creatives, all different but united with the goal of producing a singular artistic vision. Tantalum celebrates the creative collaboration of all the artists involved in unique fashion and beauty imagery. Tantalum will feature stunning stories with in depth interviews, insights and tips from some of the leading artists in their field.

Country: United States
City: San Francisco

S magazine back freedom to the creative artist and lets them loose with issues that change from theme to theme but whose design vision has one common goal - a celebration of decadence and diversity. Wire thingies, nude shoots and gorgeous models.

S Magazine is a deluxe art and fashion biannual with a refreshingly bold editorial mission. Our focus is the human form and the human condition -- we bring to the world leading-edge ideas of what is physical, sensual, and figurative. Since our first issue eight years ago, our name has meant an uncompromising commitment to gorgeous fashion photography, intelligent long-form articles, and experimental visual art. In a world of continually new and dying magazines, we are a constant reminder of what quality looks like.

Each issue of S is a curated selection of stories by visual artists, as well as profiles and interviews done of creative leaders. S is where today’s great photographers turn to for the freedom and space to create what they cannot elsewhere. S is also where our era’s most trailblazing actors, artists, designers, filmmakers, and musicians jump at the chance to share their visions of what is it means to be human. We are based in Copenhagen and New York City and are distributed to a constantly growing readership worldwide.

Country: Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Country: United States
City: New York

Organice Your Life is the website & online magazine for eating organically, keeping organized, and living a very nice life.

Brought to you by people that know firsthand:

Models, Celebrities and other Fashion & Entertainment insiders.

“Organice Your Life” comes from the words:

“ Organize”. “Organic” and “Nice“,

as they think those are the 3 key words in living a happy and healthy life.

The main goal of Organice Your Life® (OYL) is to make as much information and links accessible to anyone who wants to do something,to try to make their own life, or the world around them a bit better. Little efforts can sometimes mean a huge positive difference!

Organice Your Life® works with the circle of 5.

1. Organice® Your Home

2. Organice® Your Agenda

3. Organice® Yourself

4. Organice® Your Relationships.

5. Organice® Your Good Heart.

The subjects covered are very broad, including Fashion, Nutrition, Health, Physiology, Psychology, Science, News, Relationships and Sex.They have all in common that we are looking for the best, healthiest, organic, fair trade or environment, animal and human friendly options.

Through this website,and with columns, interviews, workshops, books, tv ,radio shows, events and other ways, this information is brought to the public in a young, hip and fun way.

The contributors of Organice Your Life® are all young successful men and women from within the Fashion & Entertainment industry, who the philosophy: Get started. Get Organiced!® .

You can click on every step of the Organice Your Life Circle of 5, and then it will show all articles that are filed under that specific step.

Organice Your Home: will have everything to make your home or place to stay, a cosy, clean and fun place,

Organice Your Agenda: will have fun events and important dates to put in your agenda, tips to organize your finances, how to deal with your time management, and things to put on your to-do list,

Organice Yourself: This is the most diverse step, and covers everything that can make you improve yourself: physically and emotionally, by nutrition, work outs, skin care, spirituality, hobbies, psychology , fashion make-up etc.

Organice Your Relationships: This is about the relationships you have with people, animals, nature and with the supernatural,

Organice Your Good Heart: has everything about goodwill and charities, and gives you ideas what you can do for others!

Country: United States
City: New York

Launched in 2009, L’Officiel Hommes Italia is the first international male fashion magazine in the second country of fashion. Its outstanding creative team introduces a brand new vision of men’s fashion to the readers, presenting the main and latest luxury trends in style, photography, design, art and music.

Country: Italy
City: Milan
Country: United States
City: Maryland
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo

A magazine abut fashion, photography, culture.

Contributor Magazine is available for purchase in selected stores in Europe and US and online at papercutshop. Contributor Magazine is published twice a year in keeping with the seasonal cycles of fashion. It's an independent publication produced by editor-in-chief Robert Rydberg and creative director David Hagglund, alongside editorial teams based in Stockholm, Paris and New York.

Country: United States
City: Tennesse

L'Officiel, luxury and fashion magazine, published in over 70 countries, is the oldest French women's magazine and the heart of Editions Jalou. For over 80 years it has followed the times and defined French taste in elegance, design talents, up and coming venues, exhibitions, decoration, and architecture. Social movements are treated lightly and with humor. Its 500,000 readers in France are cultivated fashionable women from big cities who will be 35 for ever.

Country: Greece
City: Mykonos
Country: France
City: Paris
