


Country: Italy
City: Rome

Vogue Espana, also known as Spanish Vogue, is published twelve times a year. Using a wonderfully eclectic eye, Vogue Espana features mostly models for covers rather than celebrities. Vogue Espana has a healthy emphasis on fashion from the world without forgetting it's own Spanish heritage of beautiful and lively colour and movement. Although the latin version of Vogue en Espanol is often confused with Vogue Espana and even called Spanish Vogue, they should not be confused because of the difference in content. Vogue en Espanol is mostly recycled from other editions of Vogue, while Vogue Espana always uses original content and covers. Vogue Espana often features spanish photographers Juan Gatti and Nacho Pinedo and Mexican Enrique Badulescu as well as European photographers Jacques Olivar and Thomas Schenk. Vogue Espana has been published since at least 1988.

Country: Spain
City: Madrid
Country: United States
City: Los Angeles

One of the most popular women weekly magazines, Pani Domu is focused on women who look for advices regarding beauty, fashion, house keeping, law and finances. The reader of Pani Domu is a modern woman, who cares about herself and her family and wants to evolve in her job.

Country: Poland
City: Warsa

To answer the engaged woman's call for more and better wedding ideas, then point her to local service providers who can help her realize them. Content is aggregated from the world's leading bridal magazines—Brides, Modern Bride, and Elegant Bride—and supplemented by our own team of dedicated editors.

Localized, personalized, always ready-to-shop, Brides.com Online and Local Print properties convert her obsessive search for inspiration into qualified leads for your company.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Malaysia
City: Petaling Jaya
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo
Country: Spain
City: Gran Canaria

Because every woman deserves to look in the mirror and say WOW!

WOW NOW is all about putting together all sorts of aspects of an ideal World of Women. Our world revolves around the latest tips and expert information on beauty, health and wellness with a small dose of man candy and a sprinkle of celebrity gossip.

Whether you're the girl next door, the busy professional or a mama-

to-be, we've got you covered.

In our world, women are passionate, women are creative and women are beautiful. Because every woman deserves to look in the mirror and say WOW!

Country: Greece
City: Athens

The theme for Marie Claire is “More than a Pretty Face”. The magazine gives readers information about different women around the world and their needs, struggles, and stories of life.

The goal of the magazine is to provide readers with a substantial amount of information about new looks in the fashion industry as well as current issues that women of the world are facing. Moreover, it also adds relationship information, along with a section dedicated to answering specific questions from readers. It provides information pertaining to different items of clothing and accessories, as well as which would be a better deal. Each month recognizes a particular female celebrity by placing her on the cover of the magazine and featuring her in a main article, along with providing monthly horoscope.

Country: Russia
City: Moscow
Country: Portugal
City: Lisboa
Country: Slovakia
