Kafka's Bird

Post Type:


Paris College of Art/Emerson College




Talent Locations/Auditions:


Synopsis: Set in Germany, in 1924. Franz Kafka and Dora Diamant
(his lover) encounter Ruth Baumman (a young orphan) crying over
her lost doll in the park. As a means of comforting her, Kafka
writes her letters, as if from the doll, about her adventures
traveling the world. They develop a friendship. As Kafka is
dying of tuberculosis and will soon move to Prague, he must
figure out a viable conclusion to the doll’s supposed letter
writing. Before they part ways, he gives her a locket that she
continues to wear when she’s older and goes on her own

Union Status:

Will you be paying talent ?:

Payment Detail: 
copy. credit. meal. transportation reimbursed if in France


Role Title: 
Franz Kafka

Role Type:



Role Ethnicity:

This role requires nudity:

Role Description: 

Franz Kafka - CZECH ACCENT REQUIRED. He is a 40 year old Czech
Jew, living in Berlin with his lover, Dora Diamant. Attributes
include kind, humorous (in a dry sense), intelligent, quiet, in
pain quite often due to indigestion problems, athletic and
reserved. He struggles from social anxiety and depression. He is
tall and thin and has tuberculosis, which he ends up dying from.

Media required from applicants:

Role Title: 
Dora Diamont

Role Type:



Role Ethnicity:

This role requires nudity:

Role Description: 

Dora Diamant - POLISH ACCENT REQUIRED. She is a 26 year old
Polish Jew, living in Berlin with her lover, Franz Kafka. Like
Kafka, she fears marriage. She ran away from her family when
they insisted that she marry and she refused and then fell in
love with Kafka at first sight. She is devoted to him,
independent, stubborn, patient and nurturing. She likes theatre,
singing and volunteering for charities.

Media required from applicants:

Role Title: 
Ruth Baumann

Role Type:



Role Ethnicity:

This role requires nudity:

Role Description: 

Young Ruth Baumann - GERMAN ACCENT REQUIRED. Should be 12 to 14
years old able to play a 7 year old Jew, living in Berlin in an
orphanage. Her parents died when she was just a baby. Henrietta,
her doll, was her best friend and closest companion. She gets
along alright with the others at the orphanage, but is lonely.
She is imaginative, independent, intelligent, courageous and
empathetic. She loves books and listening to stories and dolls
and wants to explore the world one day.

Media required from applicants:

Role Title: 
Older Ruth Baumann

Role Type:



Role Ethnicity:

This role requires nudity:

Role Description: 

Older Ruth Baumann - She is the 20 year old Ruth. She maintains
young Ruth’s attributes, passions and fears. She has matured
enough to go out into the world by herself now.

Media required from applicants:

Production / Rehearsal / Audition dates: 
March 24-28
Listing Deadline: 
Friday, March 4, 2022