Anne Cécile Surga

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Statement : 

I am searching the spectrum of the personal and the emotional, and how our contemporary consumerist society affects the way we live, feel and develop the notion of the selves.

I am interested in how human continue to be true to their core in this environment despite the daily violence it obliges us to face and to commit to other. My works can be understood as elaborations of emotional reactions to societal issues.

As a woman, my work is reflective of the distinctive challenges that I face in my private life, and I believe it shines a light and a commentary on societal issues that are inherent of our time.

I decided to pursue my inquiry into identity through the specific lens of Trauma, whether it being physical, emotional or psychological. I am exploring how it affects one or more persons, and which strategies of survival can be found.

Carrara Marble 2018 21 x 23 x 19 cm
Work Credit: 
Anne Cécile Surga
2018 26 x 22 x 31 cm Carrara Marble
Work Credit: 
Anne Cecile Surga
2019 Carrara Marble 54 x 24 x 18 cm
Work Credit: 
Anne Cécile Surga
2019 Carrara Marble 27 x 21 x 21 cm
Work Credit: 
Anne Cecile Surga
2019 Carrara Marble 24.5 x 16 x 16.5 cm
Work Credit: 
Anne Cécile Surga

Anne Cecile was born in 1987 in Lavelanet, France. She demonstrated a natural interest in art and other manual activities during her childhood, and in 2000 she entered her first drawing and painting class. She learnt classical rules of compositions, anatomy, and harmony of colors along with different techniques such as drawing, pastel, china ink and oil painting. This first classical study of art would be the foundation for the artistic development to come.

Anne Cecile enrolled in a business school in 2006 while studying clay sculpture in the evening. She later graduated with a Master in Business Administration from the Florida Gulf Coast University. In 2012, she went to New York City where she graduated with a Master in Art History from Christie’s Education. During her time in New York, she studied metal sculpture and écorché sculpture and the Art Student League.

Then, in 2013 Anne Cecile stayed at the Fundacion Pablo Atchugarry where she learnt how to cut marble. Following this experience marble becomes her main material. In 2015, she opened her studio in the Pyrenean Mountains in France where she still lives and works.

Her works has been shown internationally, it can be found in the public collection of Museo MUST, Vimercate, Italy, and in the private collection of Pablo Atchugarry. Anne Cecile has won several prizes for her work, including the YICCA Art Prize in 2017 and the Mary Beth Gutkowski Scholarship in 2019.

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