Jesus Torio

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Statement : 

When the printer broke, the images became strange lines of magenta, yellow and cyan. After looking at these images I understood I didn’t want to fix the machine, but to bring back these broken memories.

As a nurse who worked for 6 years with people with dementia, this was an opportunity to give them a homage.

After scanning the images, I edited them in Photoshop, to later print them again and paint them over the top with watercolours. After another scan and more editing, the final result was something different.

They became almost like paintings, a positive catharsis to symbolise a won battle where the final result was better than the original, the opposite of what happens with dementia.

“Lost Memoirs” wants to bring a message of hope for those who suffer from dementia, at the same to create awareness and open a dialogue about a disease mostly conceived between walls.

The images are inspired by my patients' stories, dreams, and nightmares, and many are just my memories.

The Waiting Room (Hannah and I)

Born in Andalusia, with two health workers for parents, Jesus dreamt to become an architect. 

But instead, he became a nurse dreaming to be an artist.

He moved to the UK looking for an adventure. He founded while working as a dementia nurse in Edinburgh.

He studied photography at Edinburgh College, keeping his nurse job during the weekends.

During the pandemic he was doing his final year degree, which was put apart to work everyday at the care home. He graduated with a bitter aftertaste, at the same time they accepted him for a master at the Royal College of Art.

He did his first year online to take care of his patients and developed depression with PTSD after the pandemic got calmer.

He moved to London for the second year, and in February es selected by DIOR in their international contest for young talents.

After a fire in his flat in London that destroyed most of his negatives, Jesus took it as a sign and went back to Spain.

United Kingdom
United States
The UK



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