Nici Preston

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Statement : 

Concept of work:  Nici is interested in working in a lot of different mediums and with different subject matter.  She is interested in reaching out to the viewer in a positive way and trying to connect with them to find common ground and to put forward ideas and philosophies and share the delight of aesthetic fun, sincerity and depth.

Nici loves illustration and design and has made comic/zines with her illustrations which are on sale in various outlets, she has also made some fashion items and would like to develop these areas further.

She is very influenced by all eras of art - some being Pop Art, Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism, the Art of the French Revolution and the Renaissance Artists.  Music of many genres is also a great inspiration and poetics.

She has just completed an experimental film called tree, 2018.

light cute
Work Credit: 
Nici Preston
Cartoon dream
Work Credit: 
Nici Preston

Nici Preston is a British artist working in many mediums including painting, drawing, sculpture, film, writing, performance, music.  She studied a BTEC in general art and design at Chelsea College of Art, specialising in Fine Art Sculpture, a BA Honors at Staffordshire University in History of Art, Architecture and Design and then later Studied an MA History of Art and Theory (Contemporary) at Goldsmiths College University of London.   Then later an MA in Film Production and Visual Cultures at Staffordshire University.  She has had a solo art show of some of her paintings, and has had other works shown in various group exhibitions, including a group exhibition called ‘Art In Mind’ at The Brick Lane Gallery in 2016.   She has just had some of her work showing in a group Summer exhibition at The Putney Arts Theatre (June/July 2018).  She has had three short films shown at The Short Film Corner Cannes, and in 2016/17 one of her feature films was picked for official selection at a film festival in India and one in Italy.

In July 2018 two of Nici’s paintings have been picked for exposure in Art Magazines:  A5 Magazine (Art Portfolio for new artists) and also for WotIsArt Magazine, who also promote new up and coming artists and also her art has been picked to feature in the November 2018 and December 2018 edition of A5 Magazine.

Nici has made many short films and quite a few feature films.   In her films she has an artistic approach that is quite Art House and she is very inspired by the avant garde..  Her films often incorporate music composed by Nici and design of the mis en scene and props etc.  She is also an actress & writer, musician, she has performed in venues in UK, Iceland & Florida, USA.  Some of her short plays have been performed in a Fringe Theatre in Manchester, UK.

United States
Los Angeles



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