Boris Edrosa

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From Muybridge to Bacon, the study and the relationship between movement, body and image have always fascinated me. Here, as in the Laura series, the exploration is the same but focused on the trails that different parts of the body paints during the exposition. Multiplication gives another dimension, it is no longer a present but a concatenation from the past to the future, a false dance that we all perform.

Scheme For A False Dance
From Muybridge to Bacon, the study and the relationship between movement, body and image have always fascinated me. Here, as in the Laura series, the exploration is the same but focused on the trails that different parts of the body paints during the exposition. Multiplication gives another dimension, it is no longer a present but a concatenation from the past to the future, a false dance that we all perform.
L'arbore Di Diana / Diana's Tree
This piece refers to the opera buffa L'arbore di Diana. Where the defense for free love stands out against popular conservatism. In the original version, Diana falls in love with a shepherd but here she seems in love with herself. Is this a message that to love another it is necessary to love oneself? Or is it a criticism of the individualism and narcissism that surrounds us? The technique is a mix between photography, using photogrammetry and 3D.

Boris Edrosa (Visp Valais, Switzerland. 1992): is a Spanish photographer based in London who is attracted to fashion as a creative vehicle where different disciplines and techniques can be combined.

He began to study Fine Arts at the UCM (Complutense University of Madrid), but finally ended up studying the Official Degree in Photography at the TAI School (URJC, Rey Juan Carlos University. Madrid, Spain). His image research continually leads him to seek new resources, skills and programs, avoiding the statism of being in one field of realization. In this way, he incorporates video, 3D and visual effects resources in his projects.

Among the people and brands he has work with, it is worth highlighting the photographer Mario Testino and It-Spain, brand that created pieces for Lady Gaga, Rosalía and Budweiser among others.

The themes of his work are varied, with a tendency to universality. They deal with the human body, time, technology, passions, identity, memory, violence, science and the sacred.

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