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Statement : 


I’m Eunmi Mimi Kim(b.1988, KR) who was born in Korea and been London-based artist after finished MA Experimental Design at Royal College of Art, London. I define myself as an experimental-media-practitioner in a contemporary art context. I work at the intersections of visual arts performance, research, digitally-mediated experimentation, installation and sound art. I explore contemplative, technical and theoretical practice but above all things, my work usually research-driven under conceptually-led approaches ㅡ especially sensorial study including sensory perception, experience and its corresponding communication under my own scientific & medical interest yet emancipatory possibilities of its embodiment in an artistic way. I’m intrigued by the way how we perceive the world around us through the senses based on therapeutic, meditative, philosophical, neuro-scientific, cognitive-psychological research. I’ve been trying to reflect my scientific and meditative interests into my own form of art through various medium.


To specify this, my interests during my master period at Royal College of Art were focused on embodied cognition, neural activity and sensory deprivation based on my physical, physiological and psychological features: Since I have hormone/stress-related disease called hyperthyroidism, hypersensitivity and meticulousness, I am easily be pushed into sensory overload. Based on this, I dig on transcendental consciousness and therapeutic experience. For instance, < Me-Time (4.0) > series are self-experiments, it aims to align my mind and body back into balance by reducing sensory stimuli through eccentric methods of sensory deprivation and isolation.


Under my hypersensitivity and the avalanche of runaway thoughts, I often encounter an ineffable cognition, perception, sense, thought and feeling in variable moments that are sometimes too elusive to define because not merely the volatility of associative feelings; but also the confined oral language. Not all things can be decoded by the linguistic and semantic way: yet-to-be-verbalised/defined-senses. I’m eager for articulating who I am, what I think, ultimately, my sensory world by my own artistic language.

Me-Time(4.0) : mindfulness-introspection-void
- Each of experiential researches (4.0) are part of the self-experiment series that focus on sensory isolation in order to explore atypical, eccentric, but rather introspective methods that enable me to establish a diverse spectrum within my own comfort zone to get away from a state of the overwhelming external world. I am a solitary being who can easily be pushed into ‘sensory overload.’ As such, Me-Time (3.0) aims to align my mind and body back into balance by reducing sensory stimuli. This is a series of self-experiments that use eccentric methods of REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy) to explore my conditions of hyperthyroidism (a hormone/stress-related disease), hypersensitivity, and meticulousness. Being isolated while experiencing contemplation and self-reflection, but remaining aware of the external world, is for me a form of mindfulness.
Work Credit: 
Filmed by YJ Mutter
Me-Time(4.0) : mindfulness-introspection-void
- Each of experiential researches (4.0) are part of the self-experiment series that focus on sensory isolation in order to explore atypical, eccentric, but rather introspective methods that enable me to establish a diverse spectrum within my own comfort zone to get away from a state of the overwhelming external world. I am a solitary being who can easily be pushed into ‘sensory overload.’ As such, Me-Time (3.0) aims to align my mind and body back into balance by reducing sensory stimuli. This is a series of self-experiments that use eccentric methods of REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy) to explore my conditions of hyperthyroidism (a hormone/stress-related disease), hypersensitivity, and meticulousness. Being isolated while experiencing contemplation and self-reflection, but remaining aware of the external world, is for me a form of mindfulness.
Work Credit: 
Filmed by YJ Mutter

Eunmi Mimi Kim was born and raised in South Korea. She completed her undergraduate degree at Hanyang University, Korea, a BA Fine Arts, Multimedia & Interactive Design, received her MA at Royal College of Art, London UK where she studied Information Experience Design - Experimental Design. She is an emerging interdisciplinary artist, her work is quite eclectic yet eccentric from design to new media art including installation, performance and sound art. The artist is mainly interested in the sensory perception and its corresponding communication. Most of her works tend to be self-reflective and research-driven that are related to her scientific and medical interest; embodied cognition, neural activity, sensorial experience, sensory deprivation and therapeutic experience.


Her work has been internationally shown in exhibitions and relevant occasions, to highlight: ‘Thinking Through Sound(2016)’, Design Museum, London, ‘Mundane Mantra (2018)’, St. John Church, as a part of First Thursdays that is organised by Whitechapel Gallery. ‘Ways to Experience(2019)’ that was sponsored by a government organisation called Korean Cultural Centre UK (KCCUK), London, she and her friend initiated to gather artists who have the common denominator, selected as a finalist for an annual open call, had a group show.


Recently, her group exhibition got featured by London Korean Link and London Live TV Channel, Art Rabbit also her own work got featured and had an interview by some of the magazines - Elephant, Create! And Murze magazine. She’s been a finalist including 2018 international contest of contemporary art YICCA, CICA New Media Art Conference (NMAC) 2019, Insatiable Mind SIAF (Salisbury International Arts Festival):WILTSHIRE CREATIVE 2019 and Sunny Art Prize 2019 etc.

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