William Josephs Radford

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Statement : 

"Cherry Blossom" intertwines the late-night ritual of work and smoking with the delicate beauty of blossoms. Here, amidst the haze of exhaustion and contemplation, the series captures a poignant juxtaposition where the cherry of a cigarette meets the blossom of a flower.

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man” Heraclitus
Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom

William Josephs Radford, born in Andalucía, Spain, discovered his passion for photography early, eventually studying fine art photography at the University of Gloucestershire. Known for his striking compositions and light painting techniques, Radford challenges conventional norms in his work. His acclaimed series "DEFLOWERED" earned nominations for the Boynes and Refocus awards. Influenced by transgressive artists like Andress Serrano and Sally Mann, Radford continually evolves his creativity, inspiring others to push artistic boundaries.


United States
New York
United States
Los Angeles
United Kingdom



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