
“Animal World” Digital Art Contest

Pixarra is announcing a call for artists for a new digital art contest under the theme of “Animal Word”. Submission is free of charge and is not limited in the number of entries. 2D and 3D artists from around the world are invited to show their art.

All submissions must be digital paintings created with illustration software and the participants must have the full copyrights on them. Traditional art, photographies, photo manipulations, collages and animation are not accepted.

Participants can submit their entries at between April 25, and May 21, 2022.

The winners will be selected by a jury and will be announced on May  24, 2022. The evaluation  criteria will be: quality, technique and thematic relevance.

12th Annual “Animals” Online Art Competition

Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces an art call for the gallery’s 12th Annual “Animals” Online Juried Art Competition for the month of May 2022.  The gallery invites all 2D and 3D artists (including photography and digital arts) from around the world to make online submissions for possible inclusion in the Gallery’s June 2022 online group art exhibition.   

The gallery encourages entries from artists (including photography & digital arts) regardless of where they reside to apply to this competition by submitting their best abstract or representational art.

Animals Art Contest

Grey Cube Gallery proudly presents the third Animals online art contest for the month of March 2022. Contest is open to all artists worldwide over 18 years of age. We invite artists and photographers to submit their best artworks related to the world of animals. A variety of interpretations of Animals theme can be submitted (representative, abstract, conceptional). All visual art mediums (except video and sound) are allowed. All winning artists will receive a digital award certificate. Winning artwork (Best of Show) will be on the poster of the show. $16 for 2 images, $30 for 4, $42 for 6, and $50 for up to 8 images. Deadline: March 17, 2022. 

Amazing Animals 2022 | Online Juried Visual Arts Competition

Open to all artists 18 years and older.  This theme is for any animal, including pets, mammals, wildlife, birds and ocean life. The jurors will be looking for quality of work, technical skill and originality. 

Our top priority is to promote artist's work!  Our team has a combined background of 30+ years in the art industry as artists, leaders, marketing specialists, sales consultants and art promoters.  You will not be disappointed with our detail and professionalism.  Our exhibitions are about you, the artist!



Humanity has always been on the move. Some people are escaping conflicts, war zones, regime, utter devastation. Others are forced to move because of drought or floods caused by climate change, natural disasters, or other environmental factors. There are people who are escaping poverty who then turn into economic migrants, looking to support their families, provide ‘a better life’ for themselves.

Into the Wild 2021 | Online Juried Visual Arts Competition

Open to all artists 18 years and older.  All painting mediums allowed including pencil, charcoal, mixed media, photography, digital painting, collage and sculpture. Artwork may be any wild animal including birds, fish, reptiles, mammals. This is a competition, only the award recipients will be in the online group exhibition. The selection of artwork will be chosen by three art industry professional who will juror and vote based on the number of entries, technical skill, quality of work, originality and the criteria for this event. Cash award to Best in Show, main page slider promotion at CB, blog post at Top Art Awards, news story Art Base, digital art registration at ArtChain.Info and entry into CB’s Artwork of the Year Award.


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