
Spring Open Call for Artists aged 14-25

  • We are open to several forms of art including painting, sculpture, photography, and film.
  • If you are selected, you will be encouraged to volunteer at the gallery.
  • We don't display work of individuals older than the age of 25 or younger than the age 14.
  • Submissions may not include work from school (e.g. GCSE or A Levels) yet to be assessed.
  • ​Must be from or reside in the UK.
  • The work must be your own and original.
  • If your artwork is accepted we have the right to post it on social media (with credit to the artist, of course).
  • We do not sell art. We display your work for free to the public with no cost for wall space.

Call for Submissions

Submissions are currently open for our upcoming issues. Send us your best visual art (painting, drawing, photography, digital), writing (poetry, short fiction, flash fiction, essay), or hybrid forms. Here are our general submission guidelines:

  • 1-8 visual art pieces - keep file size under 10mb; we will ask for higher resolution images if needed for publication; .jpeg file type preferred
  • 1-6 poems (submit multiple poems in a single file)
  • 1-3 pieces of short fiction (approx. 1,000-3,000 words) or flash fiction (under 1,000 words)
  • 1-3 pieces of creative non-fiction/essay (total length approx. 3,000 words max.)


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