- Call for Entries -

Mon, 08/14/2017 - 17:33

Calling all Visual, Glass, Metal & Wood Artists- A new way to sell your art

Call for Entries

Calling All Visual, Glass, Metal & Wood Artists - a new way to sell your art! Join Mishkalo - a wedding registry for original art. Mishkalo is a Chicago based startup which launched recently and is making a foray into the wedding industry offering unique wedding registry options to brides and...


Fri, 08/11/2017 - 16:29

Participatory Film Screening -Plena Rondo Global Screening Day


Plena Rondo -Leaving Language- Global Screening Day   Saturday 21st October 2017 Call out for your participation PLENA RONDO Global Screening Day kicks off at FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) in Liverpool, UK a discussion about the meaning of language, it’s place and power in our...

Thu, 08/10/2017 - 14:08

Molly Parkin 'Life in Colour’


The 508 Kings Road Gallery presents the outstanding exhibition 'Life in Colour' by a renowned artist Molly Parkin, September 2 - 28th. Private views - Opening (September 2nd) & Closing (September 27th). Creative talks - Part I (September 8th) & Part II (September 22nd). The Chelsea Girl’s...

508 Kings Road Gallery

Tue, 08/08/2017 - 12:16

The Chelsea International Photography Competition

Call for Entries

New York

 The Chelsea International Photography Competition — Opens July 18, 2017   Photographers at both the amateur and professional level are invited to enter the Chelsea International Photography Competition. With a fierce dedication to promoting the arts and discovering and exposing new talent, the...

Agora Gallery

Mon, 08/07/2017 - 13:54

Music Therapy Podcast Needs You


Music Therapy LDN


Music Therapy podcast has the musical remedy for anything life brings you. If you'd like us to find the perfect song for your situation please get in touch. Just email us with some background about what's going on for you - you can use a fake name if you like - and we'll let you know if we can...


- Casting Calls -


Last Meal

Dylan Hayes


I'm looking for male actors that have a playing age between 18-21. There will be plenty of screentime and would be great for showreels etc. 


Young Male

Sunday 25th November

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