A60 Contemporary Art Space

La Scala del Cielo

A60 Contemporary Art Space Florence presents the solo exhibition of young artist Wu Yueping titled "La Scala del Cielo": a series of light installations created by the artist while studying and living in Italy. Wu Yueping's themes often focus on problems encountered and experienced in areas of immigration: the artist observes the Asian communities around her, from her creative perspective.


A60 Contemporary Art Space Florence presents on the occasion of this solo exhibition, some works by Chinese artist Lin Fangsuo made in 2023. Over time we have always been interested in proposing the work of this rigorous artist (he has always worked using technological tools), showing his works within collective exhibition events.

Utopia Quieta

Tao Yuanming, a Jin Dynasty scholar, wrote in the second year of the Yongchu Era (421 A.D.), a text depicting a society free of war and oppression, a kind of ideal world to which the author aspired and which embodied his quests and aspirations in contrast to what was happening at the time. In 1516, Thomas More used the word "utopia" in his book Libellus vere aureus, nec minus salutaris quam festivus, de optimo rei publicae statu deque nova insula Utopia as a metaphor for an unattainable ideal or imaginary society.

Inquieto Tempo

We want to tell with this exhibition, a new story, a new path, on the theme of Inquieto Tempo. Exhibition occasions are always a journey, a profound journey that is accomplished by standing almost still, ready to observe sequences that tell different stories: in drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, the form of video or performance. The works we present on the occasion of this new exhibition are photographic works created by Chinese artists Zhi Hongbo and Guo Lin.


A60 proposes within the spaces of the Florence Gallery the exhibition FLOWERS with works by Andrea Bertoletti and André Castinel.

Figures, Interiors and Landscapes

Figures, Interiors and Landscapes

Works by Emanuele Gregolin from 1990 to 2022


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