A Space Gallery

Open Call: "Container” Group Exhibition at A Space Gallery

“Container” Group Exhibition Open Call

The term "container" refers not only to a physical vessel but also carries metaphorical meanings on social, cultural, and psychological levels. As a structural framework, a container helps us deconstruct and reorganize complex social relationships. It has a dual nature: a container can both include specific groups and exclude others.​

This exhibition explores how individuals form their identities within these "containers" and interact with people in other "containers," challenging and reshaping existing perceptions. By continually rearranging the artworks, the exhibition dissolves the conventional boundaries of individual pieces, turning the gallery itself into a large artistic "container."

Call For NYC Artists - 3rd Artist Colony Program

A Space Gallery is thrilled to announce its open call for our 3rd Artist Colony program - “Interwoven." We aim to foster a community of creativity and collaboration through this unique residency experience.

"Interwoven" invites artists to explore "The Plant," a former coal-burning power plant in New York that symbolizes the shift from past practices to a sustainable future. This site offers a rich history and a vision for a sustainable future, serving as a vast canvas for artistic expression.

A Space will prepare a van to take everyone to the ruins area in Yonkers exploring with necessary equipment, including flashlights, gloves, first aid kits, and masks, and four days residency at A Space gallery (24 hours access) and two weeks exhibition (September 12-25, 2024).

Open Call: Exhibition in New York

Food, as an indispensable part of daily life, is often endowed with symbols of beauty and allure. However, its significance extends far beyond these confines. In this exhibition, we will explore the duality of food, presenting a combination of raw meat, animal skeletons, and delicious dishes to highlight its contrasting nature.

The Nature of Home: Taking Root in a Place

A Space Gallery is pleased to announce the open call for "The Nature of Home: Taking Root in a Place" aimed at sparking dialogue on the dynamic relationship between individuals and their environments. "Home" is redefined not as a static noun but as an active verb: the process of cultivating connections with places and people that shape our identities. Understanding the enduring relationship between self and place transforms "home" into "where you are at every moment." This profoundly Zen state arises from the mind's integration with the continuous flow of the universe, transcending the limitations of time and space. Are roots, or deep embeddedness, determined more by our physical and emotional origins than by the geographical location of our hometown?

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