Tangent Projects

Tangent Projects Studio Residency

Tangent Projects studios  

We are very excited to announce that we are accepting applications for our studio residency programme for 2024/25 - The deadline for applications is January 19th, 2024.

Residencies are for 3 months and the placements will be between:

September - December 2024

We welcome applications from national and international artists, and we encourage applications from artists/creatives working in all different media. We do not limit the type of work submitted and are open to interesting ideas and suggestions, within the realm of our capabilities.

All applicants must be adults, over the age of 18. 

We are an underfunded not for profit and our residencies are self funded. The price of the residency is 140 euros per month.

El tiempo como las piedras - Luna Acosta

El tiempo como las piedras - Luna Acosta  

March 31st - May 26th, Tangent Projects gallery, inauguration Friday, March 31st, 6:30 - 8:30 pm.

The Earth’s centre is a deposit of magnetite, a mineral that makes the earth a giant magnet. All migrating bodies, from the most immense to the tiniest, have fragments of magnetite in their bodies. Magnetite allows them to create routes of displacement by sensing the earth's magnetic fields and to find the most suitable places for their survival; in order to know where to go and how to return.

Cómo me Convertí en Lava - María Monegro

ENG (scroll for ESP & CAT)

Curated by Tsering Frykman-Glen

June 2nd – July 14th, in conjunction with Art Nou 2023.

Opening reception Friday June 2nd, 18:30 – 20:30h

OPEN CALL Residency Programme 2023/24

Tangent Projects studios  

We are now accepting applications for our studio residency programme for 2023/24.

Residencies are for 3 months and the placements will be between:

September - December 2023/January - April 2024/April - July 2024. Please let us know your preferred dates in your motivation text.

Deadline - February 19th 2023

Espacio en diferido/Deferred Space - Juan David Galindo

The project Deferred space is a video-installation made up of closed circuits of webcams and screens. It explores the mediation of interconnected screens, reviewing the way in which individuals relate to their impulses, their own image and the experience of space.

"When a machine works efficiently [...] one only needs to concentrate on the benefits it generates and not its inner complexity. Thus, paradoxically, it happens that science and technology the more successful they become the more opaque they become" Bruno Latour

Under•Line (Barcelona edition)

ENG (scroll for ESP)
Curated by Jamsen Law

Artists - Au Wah Yan, Taylor Chan, Jamsen Law, Lee Suet Ying and Ivy Ma

September 9th - September 24th.

Opening reception Friday, September 9th, 18:30 - 20:30h, video performance by Ivy Ma 19h CET, live streamed from Mexico City

Under•Line (Barcelona edition) is the 8th edition of this nomadic series by nProjekt. The project began in 2018 and exhibitions have travelled to Hagen, Tokyo, Rotterdam, Sydney and Trondheim, and of course its home city, Hong Kong.

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