UCF Art Gallery at the University of Central Florida

Pathways 2024: The Carlos Malamud Prize Call for Artists

Call for Artists: Pathways 2024: The Carlos Malamud Prize

Call for Exhibition Proposals 2023-2024

The UCF Art Gallery at the University of Central Florida is seeking Exhibition Proposals for the 2023-2024 academic year. Solo artists, artist groups and curators are encouraged to apply. The gallery resides in the University of Central Florida’s School of Visual Arts and Design located in Orlando, Florida. The gallery has about 3700 square feet of space with over 230 linear feet of wall space and about 96 feet of moveable wall space.  

Link to gallery website: https://cah.ucf.edu/gallery/ 

Exhibition Proposals will be accepted through November 13, 2022 and works in all media will be considered.  

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