Woman Scream-Grito de Mujer-Cri de Femme

Woman Scream Festival 2024 Call for Volunteer Events Coordinators

For over a decade, the Woman Scream (Grito de Mujer) cause has spread its message of hope around the world, getting hundreds of people, groups and solidarity institutions involved in the social mission of becoming emissaries of those women who suffer or have suffered different forms of violence, through the celebration of socio-cultural events where the main goal has been raising awareness among the population about this serious issue, uniting all kinds of arts.

Woman Scream Festival 2024 Call for Volunteer Events Coordinators

For over a decade, the Woman Scream (Grito de Mujer) cause has spread its message of hope around the world, getting hundreds of people, groups and solidarity institutions involved in the social mission of becoming emissaries of those women who suffer or have suffered different forms of violence, through the celebration of socio-cultural events where the main goal has been raising awareness among the population about this serious issue, uniting all kinds of arts.

Woman Scream Call for Poetry and Visual Art 2023

Woman Scream Call for Poetry and Visual Art 2023


People over eighteen and from anywhere in the world, are invited to send a proposal of visual art or poetry, to the Woman Scream (Grito de Mujer) cause, in its thirteenth anniversary and to raise awareness about women violence as part of its mission.

The work submitted might become part of our next international anthology in tribute to women and their rights to a life free from violence. Submissions must meet the following requirements:





Woman Scream Festival 2023 | Call for Volunteer Events Coordinators

Woman Scream Festival (Grito de Mujer) will be part of the initiatives by the Coalitions of Action for Generation Equality from UN Women so, for the next festival season in March 2023, the thirteenth edition, the headquarters of the festival, extends an invitation to all institutions, groups and artists who wish to voluntarily become part of the team as volunteer cultural event coordinators. Woman Scream will create a simultaneous global chain of events during March 2023.

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