


Science and Technology Park of Covilhã Parque Industrial De Tortosendo, Covilhã, 6200-865, Portugal
Founded: 1991
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo
Address: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tel: (+55) 11 5095-2755
Founded: 2014
Country: United States
City: San Francisco
Address: 555 California St., Suite 4925, San Francisco, CA, 94104, United States
Tel: 415.659.1970
Founded: 2000
Country: United States
City: Erie
Address: 1621 Holeman Drive Erie, CO 80516 United States
Tel: 303-926-7422
Founded: 2000
Country: Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Address: Buenos aires, Argentina
Founded: 1999
Country: United States
City: San Francisco
Address: 1160 Battery Street, Suite 275, San Francisco, CA, 94111, United States
Tel: +1.415.844.9400
Founded: 1988
Country: United Kingdom
City: Northampton
Address: The Stables Holdenby House, Northampton, NTH, NN6 8DJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44.1604.771100
Country: United States
City: Ellinwood
Address: 23 North Main Street, Ellinwood, KS, 67526, United States
Tel: 785.218.7512
Founded: 2006
Country: United Kingdom
City: Shrewsbury
Address: 1 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury, SHR, SY3 5AL, United Kingdom
Tel: +44.174.3360.000
