

Country: Australia
City: Sydney
Country: Germany
City: Hamburg

Stay fit, stay healthy and look fabulous through the pages of Women’s Health & Fitness magazine. Let our experts keep you in shape with the latest health and lifestyle information from movie star to average Australians. Published monthly Women’s Health & Fitness is daily guide to a healthier body and more fulfilling life.

Country: Australia
City: Melbourne

Be inspired, empowered and informed with each issue of WellBeing. With a focus on health and spirituality, WellBeing brings together experts to provide helpful and timely information on how to achieve a happy, healthy, well-balanced lifestyle. Enjoy precious 'you time' whenever you dive into Australia's leading natural health magazine.

Country: Australia
City: Sydney

Please ! is an international magazine on jewelry, fashion and culture for contemporary women.

Expert, stimulating, daring, and not taking itself too seriously, it offers contemporary women a sharp and qualitative editorial line that redefines the aesthetic codes of jewelry representation while unveiling fashion in an original and hedonistic way.

Created by the most astute writers and refined image makers, Please ! is a creative laboratory that celebrates beauty in all its manifestations and puts fun back into fashion and jewelry .

Country: France
City: Paris

VoCE calls itself a “beauty entertainment magazine” and targets women who “have a firm grip on beauty.” To VoCE, beauty is pleasure, refinement, a way of living and fodder for gossip

Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
Country: Spain
City: Madrid
Country: United States
City: New York

"Zoom Details" is reports to you every fine details of International Fashion Shows. Our professional photographers place their emphasis on all fashion areas, from headbands, fabric, laces, pattern, accessories, buttons, zips, cuttings, embroideries to shoelaces.

Country: China
City: Hong Kong
Country: Singapore
City: Singapore
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo

The coolest chinese magazine for chinese lifestyle, art and culture.

Country: China
City: Beijing

FHM, originally published as For Him Magazine, is an international monthly men's lifestyle magazine.

The magazine began publication in 1985 in the United Kingdom under the name For Him and changed its title to FHM in 1994 when Emap Consumer Media bought the magazine, although the full For Him Magazine continues to be printed on the spine of each issue. Founded by Chris Astridge, the magazine was a predominantly fashion-based publication distributed through high street men's fashion outlets.

Circulation expanded to newsagents as a quarterly by the spring of 1987. After the emergence of James Brown's Loaded magazine (regarded as the blueprint for the lad's mag genre), For Him Magazine firmed up its editorial approach to compete with the expanding market and introduced a sports supplement. It then went monthly and changed its name to FHM. It subsequently dominated the men's market and began to expand internationally.

The magazine is printed on high quality glossy paper and the photography is of high technical quality. FHM became one of the best-selling magazines in Britain during the mid to late 1990s, selling more than 700,000 copies per month by 1999.

FHM was sold as part of the publishing company sale, from EMAP to Bauer Publishing in February 2008.

Country: France
City: Paris
