


W Korea launched in 2005 and has become well regarded for publishing innovative and artistic visuals along with cutting-edge feature articles. W Korea has also launched a number of successful mobile and tablet applications and is popular on social media, demonstrated by the large number of Twitter followers. W magazine is a monthly publication.

Country: South Korea
City: Seoul transposes AnOther's passion for placing high fashion in a cultural context to the digital world. With columns by its leading writers, web-exclusive fashion editorials, our edit of the best blogs on the web each day and recommendations of luxury products by our online community, as well as the first previews of new content from every issue, is more than just another magazine website., AnOther Magazine and AnOther Man are part of the independent publishing group the Dazed Group, alongside Dazed & Confused and

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

The Tatler is one of the oldest publications in existence. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica , it started as “a periodical launched in London by the essayist Sir Richard Steele in April 1709… its avowed intention was to present accounts of gallantry, pleasure, and entertainment, of poetry, and of foreign and domestic news.” Today, Tatler is the premier British "society" magazine. It carries articles on a broad number of topics, but its primary focus is on the social trends amongst the very wealthy and aristocratic.

Established in 1978, Edipresse is one of Asia's leading magazine publishers. With a dynamic portfolio that includes the Asian Regional Tatlers - the region's leading social and affluent lifestyle magazines - as well as other widely respected titles in design, fashion, dining and business, Edipresse is your gateway to the best of Asia.

Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei

TEASER Magazine is the independent fashion-, beauty & lifestyle magazine in germany. Interviews and portraits from interesting personalities and the coolest editorials by best photographers around the world. This Premium Magazine is one of the hottest on the german market. TEASER shows whats on!

Country: Germany
City: Hamburg

Vanity Fair Germany was launched on 7 February 2007 and after two years Condé Nast has closed the German edition on 19 February 2009. It was edited by Bernd Runge.

Editor in Chief of the German edition was from its founding to 11th January 2008 Ulf Poschardt , and he was succeeded in May 2008 by Nikolaus Albrecht. While the U.S. edition of the magazine is published monthly, the German Vanity Fair was a weekly magazine.

Country: Germany
City: Berlin

Hair, the biggest selling hair fashion magazine in the UK offers simple advice and step-by-step guides in an exciting mix of the very latest hairstyles, tips, techniques, make-up and fashion.

Country: United Kingdom
City: Essex

Nylon Guys Magazine is a publication of Nylon Magazine devoted to men's fashions.

Country: United States
City: New York

Fash­ion Jour­nal is the voice of urban style on the streets. Australia’s pre­mier free fash­ion mag­a­zine is the go-to guide for fashion-savvy trend-setters show­cas­ing the fresh­est blend of fash­ion with a uniquely local feel.

Reflect­ing the con­stantly evolv­ing world of youth and street fash­ion trends, FJ is renowned for expos­ing the most antic­i­pated design­ers our coun­try has to offer. Lus­cious adver­to­r­ial pages show­case the lat­est ranges and pieces while inspir­ing, fun fash­ion shoots bring to life the colour and trends of the season.

Fea­tur­ing both local and inter­na­tional design­ers this bi-monthly com­pendium has become the apoth­e­o­sis of street and high fash­ion since it strode down the pub­li­ca­tion cat­walk in 1991. Now dis­trib­ut­ing copies to over 1200 points includ­ing fash­ion bou­tiques, chain stores, cafes and hair salons nation­wide FJ is the most acces­si­ble guide to what’s hot right now in the world of fashion.

Country: Australia
City: Richmond
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

Fashion magazine PUSH IT is a quarterly high-quality fashion publication that blends the line between magazine and book, creating a keepsake for their readers to cherish. Initially launched online, PUSH IT has grown into a fully fledged magazine through the demands of its readers. Their motto is to inform and educate whilst promoting the best in young and established talent, visually endorsing “who” or “what” is happening internationally. With a dedicated knowledgeable team, PUSH IT’s avant-garde celebration, exerts the creative boundaries in fashion, music, art and lifestyle in inspired partnerships aimed to excel the PUSH IT magazine experience.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

Maxim is an international men's magazine based in the United Kingdom and known for its revealing pictorials featuring popular actresses, singers, and female models, none of whom are nude in the American version.

Due to its success in its primary markets, Maxim has expanded into many other countries, including Argentina, Canada, India, Indonesia, Israel, Belgium, Romania, the Czech Republic, France (marketed under "Maximal"), Germany, Bulgaria, Brazil, Chile, Greece, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Russia (where it stands now as the most popular men's magazine), Serbia, the Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine, and Portugal (marketed under "Maxmen"). A wireless version of the magazine was launched in 2005 across cellular carriers in twenty European and Asian countries.

Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

So-en was started by Bunka Fukusou Gakuin (Bunka Fashion College) in 1936. It was Japan’s very first fashion magazine.

So-en is famed for its excellent features on new exciting trends, Japan’s top fashion districts Harajuku, Aoyama and Daikanyama as well as fashion designers in Japan and the rest of the world.

So-en is published by Bunka Publishing Bureau, part of Educational Foundation Bunka Gakuen which also runs Bunka Fukusou Gakuin (Bunka Fashion College). Besides Mrs., Bunka Publishing Bureau also publishes the highly respected fashion magazines Mrs. and High Fashion.

Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
