


Glamour is a women's magazine published by Condé Nast Publications. Glamour is a very successful magazine. Founded in 1939 in the United States, it was originally called Glamour of Hollywood.

It is now published in numerous countries including the UK, USA, Sweden, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Russia, Greece, Poland, South Africa, Hungary, Romania (the latest addition), The Netherlands, and in a Latin American (Spanish language) edition, and soon to be launched in Australia. In most cases it is a monthly publication.

Country: Germany
City: Munich

Self, launched in 2007, is published under copyright cooperation by Women of China, and quickly achieved the status of China's best-selling premium women's monthly magazine. The award-winning title is an advocate of the happy self: beautiful mind, body and soul.

Country: China
City: Beijing

VVV Magazine is a bi–annual magazine (print & web) that captures equal layouts of both fashion and beauty throughout the decades. Throughout each issue will be scattered amazing single frame images that will provoke your mind and inspire you to create. All fashion & beauty images are captured around the world from cities such as: los angeles, new york, paris, london, italy, tokyo, and hong kong. in addition to the artistic layout, it will also include exposés featuring celebrities and icons of the fashion and entertainment industries. It is shot by the world’s top established and upcoming photographers.

Viva! Beauty, a quarterly, features all the latest fashion news and most popular beauty trends from famous beauty experts. Viva! Beauty gives all the beauty and fashion news a woman can want.

Country: Ukraine
City: Kiev

London’s b-Store has long been a Mecca for contemporary design. A haunt for the stylish, their eponymous publication - launched in September 2009 - embraces the wider b-Store ethos; passion in design, integrity in individuality and a nod to more sartorial affairs.

In the tricky world of magazine publishing, b Magazine has been developed in reaction to the amplified way in which information reaches its audience, often resulting in the dilution of intelligent and informed journalism. b Magazine challenges the way in which we consume. Adopting the traditional format of a fashion and lifestyle title, b Magazine is interspersed with inspired wisdom and intuitive photography.

b Magazine represents the b-Store brands extended family. Its members are uncomfortable with negotiating shelves stacked with glossies selling nothing more than symbols of wealth and the convention of celebrity. b Magazine sells ideas. It sells information. Editorially driven, b looks at creatives from a unique angle – concerned with what they are reading, rather than what they are wearing, worried more about familiarity over fantasy.

b is published by b Store and retails for £5.00 in key independent book shops.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

TRACE is a TRANSCULTURAL Styles and Ideas magazine, a new expression in culture documenting the impact of the interconnected worlds of music, fashion, film, art, politics on today's multiethnic youth.

Established in London in 1996 by Claude Grunitzky, only 25-years-old at the time, TRACE was first materialized in the form of a magazine. Originally entitled TRUE, changing its name to TRACE a year later, the publication quickly became a big success and built a significant fan base around the world. After moving TRACE's headquarters to New York in 1998, Grunitzky sought to expand the company's scope. Since, the company has grown to become a multi-platform international company, encompassing TRACE Magazine US, TRACE Magazine UK, TRACE Television, web environments www.trace212. and www.trace.tv and regular art exhibits and monthly fashion and music events.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo

Volt Magazine is a creative hybrid that they created to showcase original (specifically commissioned) work form some of the most directional and vital international fashion talents that are fuelling the British scene right now.

Over-sized and unbound the unique format was conceived so that every inch could be relished simultaneously and to push the conventional magazine format way beyond its tight perimeters, producing something that genuinely works a fresh perspective.

Snubbing the inherent censorship that somes with cosying up too close to celebrity Volt's a serious salute to those photographers, stylists, hair & make-up artists and writers still serious about experimenting with fashion without any ties - dispensing with the fame for finance attitude in favour of a magazine with real integrity.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

ANTLER is an online magazine which focuses on composing a collection of beautiful, inspiring ideas and designs from all aspects of life. They come in the body of a fashion magazine, but are more than just that. They look for ways to inspire through not only fashion, but art, design, literature, and culture. They strive to compile a new collection each issue that meets this criteria. They are currently publishing online which makes ANTLER accessible to readers from all corners of the globe. They are interested in showcasing more than just a superficial layer of fashion. They want to feature innovation and how people are contributing to make the world a better place. ANTLER is not only for a source of amazing fashion, art, culture and beauty, but will enchant and inspire as well.

India's premier luxury and lifestyle monthly.

Country: India
City: Mumbai
