

Country: Norway
City: Oslo

Vogue Pelle is dedicated to new development and latest trends in the world of leather fashion apparel, shoes, belts and accessories. A comprehensive coverage of new and best creations of leading designers, new colors, trims, leather textures. Beautiful ads, great quality photos make Vogue Pelle a great inspiring magazine for designers, manufacturers, and retailers in leather industry.

Country: Italy
City: Milan

L'Officiel, luxury and fashion magazine, published in over 70 countries, is the oldest French women's magazine and the heart of Editions Jalou. For over 80 years it has followed the times and defined French taste in elegance, design talents, up and coming venues, exhibitions, decoration, and architecture. Social movements are treated lightly and with humor. Its 500,000 readers in France are cultivated fashionable women from big cities who will be 35 for ever.

Country: United Arab Emirates
City: Dubai
Country: Thailand
City: Bangkok

The first OC Annual was launched in August 2012 by Opening Ceremony which is a multifaceted environment comprised of retail spaces, showroom, and gallery that establishes a new international creative forum in downtown Manhattan.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
Country: Israel
City: Tel Aviv

Vogue Collections Paris: One of the most popular collections magazines published in France. Features top collections from biggest fashion design houses. Published twice annually.

Country: France
City: Paris
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: United Kingdom
City: London

VVV Magazine is a bi–annual magazine (print & web) that captures equal layouts of both fashion and beauty throughout the decades. Throughout each issue will be scattered amazing single frame images that will provoke your mind and inspire you to create. All fashion & beauty images are captured around the world from cities such as: los angeles, new york, paris, london, italy, tokyo, and hong kong. in addition to the artistic layout, it will also include exposés featuring celebrities and icons of the fashion and entertainment industries. It is shot by the world’s top established and upcoming photographers.
