Elle Man Serbia


SRC783 is a collaboration between Christina Dietze & Nick Thomm.

The publication documents alternative editorial fashion, but chooses to focus on creativity, art and style instead of seasonal trends. Each issue of SRC783 represents a collection of thoughts and ideas that push our readers to form their own individual style. SRC783 magazine is published by The Drop Studio.

Country: Australia
City: Melbourne
Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

SHAPE Magazine gives you the latest, breaking news on health and fitness, beauty, fashion, diet, travel and lifestyle. It's your most reliable and motivating companion for those days when putting on the gym gear feels all too hard!

Country: Australia
City: Sydney

No other magazine defines our time like VANITY FAIR. Whether a story involves a world leader or a sporting scandal, VANITY FAIR is always fascinating, never ordinary.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: United States
City: Miami
Country: Greece
City: Athens
Country: Bulgaria
City: Sofia

Amica is a new project , that’s complete from top to bottom. Fashion and news aren’t mutually exclusive. Fashion is news particularly for those who love it enough to buy a monthly magazine dedicated to the subject. Fashion reflects and draws its inspiration from current events.

Amica is journalism. It interprets the traditional themes of women’s magazines -- fashion, beauty, health -- from a whole new perspective. Its coverage spans the most traditional lifestyle themes right through to fashion, with intriguing exposés on the latest trends, fads and pleasures, without overlooking who’s hot or the world of men.

Amica is the reader's confidant,a friend who, with a tone that’s sometimes playful and self-effacing, explores the world of the female identity.

Fashion is the star of Amica.

Amica talks fashion and shows fashion through the work of exceptional photographers who capture the most select clothes and styles.

Amica's graphic design is the work of an in-house design team. This guarantees that the design will grow with the magazine, while remaining true to its principles of elegance, simplicity and a choice of images that must always spark the reader’s imagination.

Amica is aimed at an educated and inquisitive readership. Readers who use more than one source for information, who can interpret issues for themselves, and who are able to appreciate irony and a touch of fun.

Country: Italy
City: Milan

Vice is a free magazine and media conglomerate founded in Montreal, Quebec and currently based in New York City.

Vice is available in 27 countries. Editions are published in Canada, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Japan, Spain, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, South Africa and the United States. It is free and supports itself primarily through advertising.

Country: Germany
City: Berlin

The motto of 25ans is "enjoy being gorgeous". If that isn't a booster, the photographs sure are. 25ans models look gorgeous, but unless the the airbrushed photographs of many fashion magazines, this is a beauty that's actually attainable to the magazine's readers, who are in spite of the magazines name' mostly women in their 30s, and married

Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
Country: Italy
City: Milan

Because every woman deserves to look in the mirror and say WOW!

WOW NOW is all about putting together all sorts of aspects of an ideal World of Women. Our world revolves around the latest tips and expert information on beauty, health and wellness with a small dose of man candy and a sprinkle of celebrity gossip.

Whether you're the girl next door, the busy professional or a mama-

to-be, we've got you covered.

In our world, women are passionate, women are creative and women are beautiful. Because every woman deserves to look in the mirror and say WOW!

Country: Greece
City: Athens
Country: Romania
City: Bucharest
