Elle Man Serbia


Fashion magazine PUSH IT is a quarterly high-quality fashion publication that blends the line between magazine and book, creating a keepsake for their readers to cherish. Initially launched online, PUSH IT has grown into a fully fledged magazine through the demands of its readers. Their motto is to inform and educate whilst promoting the best in young and established talent, visually endorsing “who” or “what” is happening internationally. With a dedicated knowledgeable team, PUSH IT’s avant-garde celebration, exerts the creative boundaries in fashion, music, art and lifestyle in inspired partnerships aimed to excel the PUSH IT magazine experience.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo
Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul

QVEST is a fashion magazine - published in Germany, international in scope and standard. QVEST covers fashion, design and culture competently and passionately. QVEST works together with authors, photographers, stylists and artists in New York, Tel Aviv, Paris, London and Berlin.

QVEST doesn't chase after trends. QVEST seeks out bold, innovative people, presents new, unseen images and fresh, relevant ideas. QVEST moves and motivates brands and markets, provides food for thought and action. QVEST (dis)covers the latest emerging seeds of the international avantgarde while preserving its history and context. QVEST presents what's hot on the world's hedonistic runways - and looks behind the scenes, too.

Since 2001, the magazine is published every three months in german and English. QVEST guarantees a high consumer exposure time and contact of up to four readers per issue.

Country: Germany
City: Cologne
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul
Country: Hungary
City: Budapest

New platfrom and on-line magazine.

Country: Poland
City: Warsaw
Country: Spain
City: Madrid
Country: United Kingdom
City: London

The 88 magazine is part of the 88 concept which will bring high-fashion directly to our readers, twice a year.

Country: Denmark
City: Copenhagen
