Elle Norway



Country: Mexico
City: Mexico City
Country: Poland
City: Warsaw
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: United States
City: New York

Self, launched in 2007, is published under copyright cooperation by Women of China, and quickly achieved the status of China's best-selling premium women's monthly magazine. The award-winning title is an advocate of the happy self: beautiful mind, body and soul.

Country: China
City: Beijing
Country: China
City: Hong Kong

Be inspired, empowered and informed with each issue of WellBeing. With a focus on health and spirituality, WellBeing brings together experts to provide helpful and timely information on how to achieve a happy, healthy, well-balanced lifestyle. Enjoy precious 'you time' whenever you dive into Australia's leading natural health magazine.

Country: Australia
City: Sydney
Country: United States
City: New York

J'N'C has been synonymous with consistent fashion reporting of the highest contemporary standards since 1992. The monthly J'N'C News and J'N'C Magazine, which has been published on a quarterly basis since 1999, not only cover all aspects of fashion from a short, concise and economic, as well as an artistically aesthetic perspective, but also provide the market with editorial updates on all relevant topics. Which is why the important dates of international trade fairs and fashion shows are just as much part of their agenda as their untiring trawling of the best ateliers, indie stores, flea markets, design factories, clubs, galleries, bars and record shops – whether in Cologne or Lisbon, in Cape Town, New York or Montreal. After all, they're not only convinced that life writes the best stories. Experience has shown them that fashion only achieves its full potential in conjunction with other culture-relevant disciplines. This is why they also love to talk to those in the know – such as designers and fashionistas, as well as with artists, musicians, photographers, graphic designers and filmmakers.

Country: Germany
City: Düsseldorf
Country: China
City: Peking
Country: United States
City: Royal Oak
