

As seen in their choice of recent cover stars (James Franco, Rita Ackermann, Nate Lowman) Tokion has always had an instinct for new artists and a deep respect for established figures. Their art coverage is personal, intimate and definitive—they have had exclusive face-to-face interviews with legends such as Sophie Calle, Ed Ruscha and Nan Goldin; extensive, eclectic profiles on today’s biggest names, such as Olafur Eliasson and Terence Koh; and collaborations with Thomas Hirschhorn and Lizzi Bougatsos. The fashion is modern and glamorous, shot by top photographers such as Kenneth Cappello, KT Auleta, Magnus Unmar and Timothy Greenfield-Sanders.

Founded as a cultural exchange initiative between the Japanese and American Street art scenes in 1996, Tokion kick-started a dialogue about contemporary art and culture that still resonates today. Their reputation had such an early impact that they quickly had cover stars such as Morrissey, Missy Elliott, Mark Gonzales and Iggy Pop, and included rare interviews with Vivienne Westwood, Sofia Coppola, Matthew Barney, Debbie Harry, Ralph Nader, Brian Wilson, William Gibson, James Brown and Dolly Parton.

Since the very first issue, Tokion saw a steady growth in sales and sell-through rates. Circulation and distribution awareness grew quickly, both in the U.S. and Europe. Tokion is found not only at newsstands, but also in exclusive stores and boutique hotels around the world.

Tokion’s editorial scope is constantly evolving. Their one-off creative projects, such as the “King of Doc” documentary film contest, and “Project”, their per-issue artist-and-reader collaborative series, connect them even further with their smart, sophisticated readers. Their Creativity Now conferences bring together some of the world’s most revered creative minds—among them, Brian Eno, Raymond Pettibon and Kim Gordon—for exciting cultural symposiums.

Above all, Tokion is committed to excellence as an independently-run magazine. Tokion is art and fashion done with due respect, and delivered in a beautiful package. Many of their readers collect Tokion assiduously, which highlights the relevance—both current and archival—that Tokion’s unique perspective provides.

Country: United States
City: New York

QVEST is a fashion magazine - published in Germany, international in scope and standard. QVEST covers fashion, design and culture competently and passionately. QVEST works together with authors, photographers, stylists and artists in New York, Tel Aviv, Paris, London and Berlin.

QVEST doesn't chase after trends. QVEST seeks out bold, innovative people, presents new, unseen images and fresh, relevant ideas. QVEST moves and motivates brands and markets, provides food for thought and action. QVEST (dis)covers the latest emerging seeds of the international avantgarde while preserving its history and context. QVEST presents what's hot on the world's hedonistic runways - and looks behind the scenes, too.

Since 2001, the magazine is published every three months in german and English. QVEST guarantees a high consumer exposure time and contact of up to four readers per issue.

Country: Germany
City: Cologne

INTERVIEW was founded in 1969 in New York, a pioneer of pop art and the most influential artist of the second half of the 20th century, Andy Warhol. Nearly twenty years of Warhol boldly put together an interview with underground artists, pop stars and Hollywood celebrities in his journal. Today, under the guidance of well-known collector of modern art and a New York publisher Peter Brant magazine continues the tradition of Warhol. INTERVIEW is not only prominent artists, musicians, designers, directors and actors, but also predicts who will become world famous for tomorrow. INTERVIEW Russia will be the first edition of the magazine in Europe and will appear at the end of 2011. At the beginning of 2012 to join him INTERVIEW Germany. Editor in chief of both publications will be Alena Doletskaya.

Country: Russia
City: Moscow
Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei City

Complex is a metropolitan men's style/lifestyle magazine founded by Marc Ecko in 2002. The publication offers mainstream readers insight into the latest trends in urban America's niche cultures, such as streetwear, sneaker culture, hip hop, and graphic art. Complex targets men that are college aged to early 30s in urban areas.

One of the magazine's unique attributes is that each issue features a different cover on each side (one male, one female), creating two distinct sections. The half of the magazine that follows the male celebrity cover (e.g., Lupe Fiasco, Pharrell, N.E.R.D, Kanye West, Nas) is geared toward lifestyles, the latest films, music, and other forms of media. The half of the magazine that follows the female celebrity cover (e.g., Jessica Alba, Cassie, Rosario Dawson, Fergie, Gwen Stefani, Mila Kunis) is dubbed "The Original Buyer's Guide for Men" and offers a Consumer Reports-esque breakdown of the latest consumer items, technology, sneakers, and apparel. It's known as the "The Original Buyer's Guide for Men" because it was the first magazine in the men's market to emulate the shopping guide formula of Lucky and the Japanese magazines which that was modeled on.

Two years after its launch, big publishing houses like Conde Nast attempted similar titles, like Cargo, Sync, and VITALS, all of which folded with in 2 years of launch.

The "magazine" is essentially a compilation of advertisements aimed at a target market of 20-35 year old males. It can arrive without solicitation in one's mailbox, but the company is quite understanding about the environmental impact and will cancel a "subscription" if requested. The founder, Mark Ecko, does a large amount of philanthropic work.

Country: United States
City: New York

We are the 'bible' to every intending Bride, newly weds and even the not so newly weds.We take the heat off you and even settle you into your marriages. We are your ONE-STOP Wedding and Beyond solution providers...

Country: Nigeria
City: Lagos

How to Spend It is a weekly magazine published with the Financial Times Weekend Edition. Its articles concern yachts, mansions, apartments, designs, horlogerie, haute couture, automobiles, as well as fashion and columns by individuals in the arts, gardening, food, and hotel and travel industries. To celebrate its 15th anniversary, FT launched the on-line version of this publication on October 3, 2009.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

WeTheUrban, an online publication dedicated to fashion, art, music, and culture (and Tumblr's current most followed blog of the like) is set to release their fourth issue: The Creative Expression Issue. Creativity is the sense that brings out the best and worst of us, but the impact of that creativity is what makes this world worth living in.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Ukraine
City: Kiev

Genlux Magazine is a luxury Magazine devoted exclusively to Fashion and Beauty.

Their editors carefully comb la and the world for the must-have items every genluxer needs.

Country: United States
City: Beverly Hills

KULT magazine // Fashion, Art, Sport, Design, Music, People, Culture

Country: Italy
City: Milan
Country: Italy
City: Milan

Harper's Bazaar is a world-renowned arbiter of fashion and good taste. Since its inception in 1867 as America's first fashion magazine, Bazaar has been home to extraordinary talents of Man Ray and Richard Avedon, and continues that tradition today with photographers including Peter Lindbergh and Sølve Sundsbø.

Sophisticated, elegant and provocative, Harper’s Bazaar is the style resource for women who are the first to buy the best, from casual to couture. With style, authority and insider insight, Bazaar focuses strictly on fashion and beauty, and covers what’s new to what’s next.

Month after month, Harper’s Bazaar showcases the world’s most visionary stylists and talented designers to deliver readers a visually stunning portrayal of the world of fashion and beauty.

In addition to publishing in the United States, Bazaar prints 27 editions around the world.

Country: Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Country: Spain
City: Madrid
