
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

Book Moda is present in the news-stands, in Italy and abroad, from many years. Its frequency coincides with the international fashion shows. Exclusive photos, bilingual text never ordinary, are flash that draw the attention on the trends that are really important and that offer absolutely international sight of the Haute Couture and of the Prêt-a-Porter. Already from the first issue, Book moda has asserted to itself rules of absolute rigour in all the numberless aspects that make the image and the substance of a really prestigious magazine. A peculiarity is the exactness in the information, concise and exhaustive in the choice of the users target. Considering the topics dealed, BOOK MODA address itself to the experts and to a wide public of qualified readers. BOOK MODA is an advertising means for the most qualified Made in Italy, not dispersive, ideal for campaign of products directly or indirectly bounded to the fashion word.

Country: Italy
City: Milan

Haute Style Magazine was Founded in January of 2008.Haute Style is a blend of fashion, photography, and art. Haute Style Magazine is printed bi-monthly and is available for direct purchase only.

Country: United States
City: San Diego

Sublime is the first international sustainable lifestyle magazine. For creative thinkers and inquiring minds.

Sublime is a bi-monthly international lifestyle magazine with ethical values and intelligent content.

Sublime is authentic, honest and thought provoking. It explores community and celebrates diversity and individuality.

Above all, Sublime is an independent voice.

Sublime started in March 2004 as a group of 30 media people gathered to discuss what a contemporary magazine should be all about. In a year’s time, the group devoted to Sublime has grown to 300 influential opinion formers around the world – making Sublime the first magazine movement with such wide collaboration and following before its launch.

Sublime networking events are our source of energy, feeding the magazine with the kind of content that makes Sublime so special.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Israel
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
Country: Germany
City: Hamburg

The magazine Paradis was launched in 2006 by its creator and publisher, the art director Thomas Lenthal.

Country: France
City: Paris
Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
Country: Russia
City: Moscow
Country: Thailand

N DEGREES is an International lifestyle destination with a strong focus on Art, Design, Fashion, and Lifestyle.

Country: Denmark
City: Copenhagen
