GQ (originally Gentlemen's Quarterly) is a monthly men's magazine focusing upon fashion, style, and culture for men, through articles on food, movies, fitness, sex, music, travel, sports, technology, and books.



Country: United States
City: Los Angeles

PILOT showcases the best in contemporary creative culture from connected global networks, promoting new ideas, new perspectives and new futures. Each issue contains a diverse mix of art, design, illustration, fashion, photography, and ideas.

PILOT champions a new, emerging Zeitgeist based on creativity, authenticity, ethical consumption, a desire for change and a new appreciation for the role that art, design and technology play in shaping our lives.

With spirited writing and a strong creative identity, PILOT brings a fresh perspective to a range of issues, offering a unique mix of progressive pop culture, provocative feature articles, world-class fashion editorials and stunning art and photography.

Country: New Zealand
City: Auckland

Amica is a new project , that’s complete from top to bottom. Fashion and news aren’t mutually exclusive. Fashion is news particularly for those who love it enough to buy a monthly magazine dedicated to the subject. Fashion reflects and draws its inspiration from current events.

Amica is journalism. It interprets the traditional themes of women’s magazines -- fashion, beauty, health -- from a whole new perspective. Its coverage spans the most traditional lifestyle themes right through to fashion, with intriguing exposés on the latest trends, fads and pleasures, without overlooking who’s hot or the world of men.

Amica is the reader's confidant,a friend who, with a tone that’s sometimes playful and self-effacing, explores the world of the female identity.

Fashion is the star of Amica.

Amica talks fashion and shows fashion through the work of exceptional photographers who capture the most select clothes and styles.

Amica's graphic design is the work of an in-house design team. This guarantees that the design will grow with the magazine, while remaining true to its principles of elegance, simplicity and a choice of images that must always spark the reader’s imagination.

Amica is aimed at an educated and inquisitive readership. Readers who use more than one source for information, who can interpret issues for themselves, and who are able to appreciate irony and a touch of fun.

Country: Italy
City: Milan

Romantic, traditional, unusual, classic, trendy, for the best interpretation of the ceremony, but also to organize every detail, a guide full of ideas. The fashion is just one of the topics of the magazine, because a marriage is recognized by all: the atmosphere of the ceremony, the style of drink, the choice of a box or a floral decoration, the exclusivity of the honeymoon. Vogue Bride offers its advice to the sophisticated woman who wants to make the most beautiful day of her life. Vogue Sposa, a unique and irreplaceable magazine.

Country: Italy
City: Milan
Country: Brazil
City: Joinville

Star - Style - Fashion - Shopping

Country: Vietnam
City: Ho Chi Minh City
Country: United States
City: New York

The Pink Ribbon magazine (PINK) is a stylish feel-good magazine radiating positive energy.

There is still a lot to be done in the field of breast cancer in terms of prevention, information and support. But PINK is and wants to achieve more than that. PINK is a feel-good glossy that will appeal to all women. Not only because of its content, but also because all proceeds go to the fight against breast cancer. With this annual magazine Sanoma Uitgevers hopes to be able to make a substantial contribution to a.o. research into breast cancer.

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
