


180 magazine is an internet publication with no budget and no plans at the moment for either print publication or advertising (unless a whiz-bang sales rep would like to step forward and volunteer). It is a reflection of the combined vision of the contributors and editors.

While 180 magazine usually presents the work of invited artists in each issue, they are happy to look at the work of new photographers and illustrators who have a distinctive vision, and established artists who have intensely personal work that they would like to share.

Country: Canada
City: Ontario
Website: http://180mag.ca
Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo

Lucire is a fashion magazine that originally began on the web in 1997, branching into a monthly print edition in its home country of New Zealand in 2004. It is the first fashion partner with the UNEP, an arrangement that began in 2003.

At its launch, it was the second online fashion title in New Zealand (after Wellington Polytechnic's Fashionbrat), and the first commercial fashion magazine on the web there. It claims to be the first fashion title to extend its brand from the internet into print, and the first website to launch print editions in more than one country. An unusual claim is that Lucire is the first national consumer publication in New Zealand to use exclusively typefaces designed and produced domestically.

Simone Knol edits the web edition, Laura Ming-Wong the "master" print edition in New Zealand. Summer Rayne Oakes was made the US Editor in 2007. Previous positions were staffed by Stevie Wilson, who served as US Editor-at-Large, Catherine Rigod, who filled the role of West Coast Editor and Richard Spiegel, who worked as a New York based photojournalist, among others. Lucire was founded by Jack Yan, who continues to serve as Publisher.

When conceived, the name was not intended to have a meaning; it was only later that the team discovered it was a quaint Romanian term meaning ‘to glitter’ and there is a similar word in Spanish meaning ‘to show off’.

In the early 2000s, Lucire covered new talent alongside more established names. It was one of the first publications to profile Zac Posen, New Zealand shoe designer Kathryn Wilson, MTV New Zealand presenter and former beauty queen Amber Peebles, and numerous others. In 2003, it was the second-ever New Zealand website to be nominated for a Webby Award.

It launched a Romanian edition (helmed by Mirella and Valentin Lapusca) in May 2005, claiming to be the first New Zealand fashion magazine to enter the continent, and the first webzine in the world to launch two print editions. The magazine is subscribed to throughout the world, including Australia, the United States, and various European nations.

Print edition cover girls have included Brittny Gastineau, Vanessa Carlton, Stacie Jones Upchurch, Nicky Hilton, Theodora Richards and Monica Gabor. New York photographers Barry Hollywood, Gray Scott and Jon Moe have contributed the greatest number of covers.

Country: Romania
City: Bucharest

"Zoom Details" is reports to you every fine details of International Fashion Shows. Our professional photographers place their emphasis on all fashion areas, from headbands, fabric, laces, pattern, accessories, buttons, zips, cuttings, embroideries to shoelaces.

Country: China
City: Hong Kong

Organice Your Life is the website & online magazine for eating organically, keeping organized, and living a very nice life.

Brought to you by people that know firsthand:

Models, Celebrities and other Fashion & Entertainment insiders.

“Organice Your Life” comes from the words:

“ Organize”. “Organic” and “Nice“,

as they think those are the 3 key words in living a happy and healthy life.

The main goal of Organice Your Life® (OYL) is to make as much information and links accessible to anyone who wants to do something,to try to make their own life, or the world around them a bit better. Little efforts can sometimes mean a huge positive difference!

Organice Your Life® works with the circle of 5.

1. Organice® Your Home

2. Organice® Your Agenda

3. Organice® Yourself

4. Organice® Your Relationships.

5. Organice® Your Good Heart.

The subjects covered are very broad, including Fashion, Nutrition, Health, Physiology, Psychology, Science, News, Relationships and Sex.They have all in common that we are looking for the best, healthiest, organic, fair trade or environment, animal and human friendly options.

Through this website,and with columns, interviews, workshops, books, tv ,radio shows, events and other ways, this information is brought to the public in a young, hip and fun way.

The contributors of Organice Your Life® are all young successful men and women from within the Fashion & Entertainment industry, who the philosophy: Get started. Get Organiced!® .

You can click on every step of the Organice Your Life Circle of 5, and then it will show all articles that are filed under that specific step.

Organice Your Home: will have everything to make your home or place to stay, a cosy, clean and fun place,

Organice Your Agenda: will have fun events and important dates to put in your agenda, tips to organize your finances, how to deal with your time management, and things to put on your to-do list,

Organice Yourself: This is the most diverse step, and covers everything that can make you improve yourself: physically and emotionally, by nutrition, work outs, skin care, spirituality, hobbies, psychology , fashion make-up etc.

Organice Your Relationships: This is about the relationships you have with people, animals, nature and with the supernatural,

Organice Your Good Heart: has everything about goodwill and charities, and gives you ideas what you can do for others!

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: France
City: Paris

WONDERLAND is a uniquely positioned, independent, bi-monthly publication for both men and women spotlighting contemporary visual culture - art, design, film - both the influences and the developments, together with the very latest fashion, shot by some of the most innovative photographers working today.

Published out of London, but with worldwide distribution, Wonderland entertains, challenges and informs - assisting the reader rather than dictating to them, so that they may decide for themselves how to spend those two most valuable of commodities: their time, and their money. By combining new talent with new ideas and higher standards, we push the boundaries and exceed expectations of what a magazine today can be.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

No other magazine defines our time like VANITY FAIR. Whether a story involves a world leader or a sporting scandal, VANITY FAIR is always fascinating, never ordinary.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

Women's Health reaches a new generation of women who don't like the way most women's magazines make them feel.

Women's Health is for the woman who wants to reach a healthy, attractive weight but doesn't equate that with having thighs the size of toothpicks. They know that exercising and eating well will make you happier and stronger (even if after-work runs can really suck). That looking and feeling good have very little to do with cosmetics and high heels (though they can help you feel glamorous on a Saturday night). And that life can be stressful since there's never enough time, but balance is achievable (with a little help).

Most of all, WH focuses on what you can do, right now, to improve your life.

Country: United States
City: New York

CLICHÉ was established in 2009. It was started in an attempt to provide you with innovative ways to live life in sync with fashion, music, lifestyle, entertainment, and the latest culture. The publication is released monthly, in virtual formats only.

A magazine created for an elite of people who are passionate about experiencing their ideal lifestyle. Cliché is not a pretentious magazine that purely aims at illustrating pictures of celebrities, but a way of managing your love for fashion, entertainment, culture, and most importantly the way you live. Cliché integrates all of these fields into a magazine release that allows you to understand and appreciate the finest things that surround you.

Country: United States
City: Los Angeles
