


Vanity Fair Germany was launched on 7 February 2007 and after two years Condé Nast has closed the German edition on 19 February 2009. It was edited by Bernd Runge.

Editor in Chief of the German edition was from its founding to 11th January 2008 Ulf Poschardt , and he was succeeded in May 2008 by Nikolaus Albrecht. While the U.S. edition of the magazine is published monthly, the German Vanity Fair was a weekly magazine.

Country: Germany
City: Berlin

As well as the most beautiful women and latest gadgets offers unique interviews with the Playmates and previews and reviews of the most popular films, music and games. The website also has an exclusive closed section: the Playboy Cyber club, with archives full of photo and video material of national and international celebrities, Playmates and Cyber girls.

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Country: China
City: Shanghai
Country: United States
City: New York

The website delivers free news live to the web and via emails sent direct to subscribers once a week. The website also provides a calendar of upcoming industry events and expos, along with feature articles covering every facet of the industry, business articles, company profiles and interviews with beauty industry identities. PBTV features training videos from various supplier treatments.

The Professional Beauty Annual Buyer’s Directory has been integrated into the website, allowing visitors to search for beauty industry suppliers by company, product or brand.

Country: Australia
City: Pyrmont

J'N'C has been synonymous with consistent fashion reporting of the highest contemporary standards since 1992. The monthly J'N'C News and J'N'C Magazine, which has been published on a quarterly basis since 1999, not only cover all aspects of fashion from a short, concise and economic, as well as an artistically aesthetic perspective, but also provide the market with editorial updates on all relevant topics. Which is why the important dates of international trade fairs and fashion shows are just as much part of their agenda as their untiring trawling of the best ateliers, indie stores, flea markets, design factories, clubs, galleries, bars and record shops – whether in Cologne or Lisbon, in Cape Town, New York or Montreal. After all, they're not only convinced that life writes the best stories. Experience has shown them that fashion only achieves its full potential in conjunction with other culture-relevant disciplines. This is why they also love to talk to those in the know – such as designers and fashionistas, as well as with artists, musicians, photographers, graphic designers and filmmakers.

Country: Germany
City: Düsseldorf
Country: Poland
City: Warsaw
Country: France
City: Paris

The Pink Ribbon magazine (PINK) is a stylish feel-good magazine radiating positive energy.

There is still a lot to be done in the field of breast cancer in terms of prevention, information and support. But PINK is and wants to achieve more than that. PINK is a feel-good glossy that will appeal to all women. Not only because of its content, but also because all proceeds go to the fight against breast cancer. With this annual magazine Sanoma Uitgevers hopes to be able to make a substantial contribution to a.o. research into breast cancer.

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam

This trade magazine was created in 1970, in Paris. Since then, it has always been a reference tool for all the professionals in the intimate apparel market.

It's a luxurious magazine which helps the brands that distribute their products through a selective network to get and give informations. Creations Lingerie aims to create a link bteween the different actors of the intimate apparel market.

4 times a year, you'll get through this magazine the latest trends, analytical surveys, reports on trade fairs, interviews and discovery of new designers…

Country: France
City: Clichy
