

India's premier luxury and lifestyle monthly.

Country: India
City: Mumbai

esta aims at women aged 35 and older and in that respect it is different from other magazine. esta offers a unique mix of information, relaxation and depth. Serious but fun, every two weeks!

esta stimulates its readers by being a platform for current themes and opinions. The keywords are real, self-willed and dynamic. As well as being a source of inspiration and information, esta aims to challenge its readers and to set them thinking. Thanks to its frequency esta can switch quickly and offers various possibilities for advertising.

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam

CREEM brings you a distinct look at fashion, art, and music and puts them in perspective with other cultural mediums. CREEM tells compelling stories, inspires others to do the same, and provides a platform for emerging and established talent alike. For those still seeking a tangible magazine experience CREEM takes you on a unique journey with every issue, paper cuts and all.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: France
City: Paris

Lucire is a fashion magazine that originally began on the web in 1997, branching into a monthly print edition in its home country of New Zealand in 2004. It is the first fashion partner with the UNEP, an arrangement that began in 2003.

At its launch, it was the second online fashion title in New Zealand (after Wellington Polytechnic's Fashionbrat), and the first commercial fashion magazine on the web there. It claims to be the first fashion title to extend its brand from the internet into print, and the first website to launch print editions in more than one country. An unusual claim is that Lucire is the first national consumer publication in New Zealand to use exclusively typefaces designed and produced domestically.

Simone Knol edits the web edition, Laura Ming-Wong the "master" print edition in New Zealand. Summer Rayne Oakes was made the US Editor in 2007. Previous positions were staffed by Stevie Wilson, who served as US Editor-at-Large, Catherine Rigod, who filled the role of West Coast Editor and Richard Spiegel, who worked as a New York based photojournalist, among others. Lucire was founded by Jack Yan, who continues to serve as Publisher.

When conceived, the name was not intended to have a meaning; it was only later that the team discovered it was a quaint Romanian term meaning ‘to glitter’ and there is a similar word in Spanish meaning ‘to show off’.

In the early 2000s, Lucire covered new talent alongside more established names. It was one of the first publications to profile Zac Posen, New Zealand shoe designer Kathryn Wilson, MTV New Zealand presenter and former beauty queen Amber Peebles, and numerous others. In 2003, it was the second-ever New Zealand website to be nominated for a Webby Award.

It launched a Romanian edition (helmed by Mirella and Valentin Lapusca) in May 2005, claiming to be the first New Zealand fashion magazine to enter the continent, and the first webzine in the world to launch two print editions. The magazine is subscribed to throughout the world, including Australia, the United States, and various European nations.

Print edition cover girls have included Brittny Gastineau, Vanessa Carlton, Stacie Jones Upchurch, Nicky Hilton, Theodora Richards and Monica Gabor. New York photographers Barry Hollywood, Gray Scott and Jon Moe have contributed the greatest number of covers.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: Mexico
City: Mexico City
Country: Mexico
City: Mexico City

Sportswear International stands apart from other fashion magazines as the only global industry publication that focuses on — and truly understands — smart, young, sophisticated, casual, contemporary style. Providing inside information, stunning fashion shoots and invaluable insight into the workings and offerings of an ever-changing industry, Sportswear International is THE must-read style bible of anyone, anywhere who works in the casual fashion sector.

From our permanent offices in Milan, Frankfurt New York and Moscow, and with a team of global correspondents that spans from Shanghai and Sao Paulo to Tokyo, London, Paris and Berlin, we bring international fashion and style news from the world's streets, catwalks, fairs and showrooms directly to our readers — giving them the knowledge to make informed, business-boosting decisions and truly inspired creative ones.

Country: Germany
City: Frankfurt

VVV Magazine is a bi–annual magazine (print & web) that captures equal layouts of both fashion and beauty throughout the decades. Throughout each issue will be scattered amazing single frame images that will provoke your mind and inspire you to create. All fashion & beauty images are captured around the world from cities such as: los angeles, new york, paris, london, italy, tokyo, and hong kong. in addition to the artistic layout, it will also include exposés featuring celebrities and icons of the fashion and entertainment industries. It is shot by the world’s top established and upcoming photographers.

Country: South Africa
Country: Russia
City: Moscow
