Para Ti Chile



Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

Bimonthly, ISTOÉ Platinum presents the newest, rarest and most expensive objects of desire. But it is not just about consumption. ISTOÉ Platinum brings technology, art, culture, tourism and fashion in a spontaneous and pleasant way, always highlighting what’s most up-to-date, modern and sophisticated in Brazil and around the world.

Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo
Country: Australia
City: Sydney

"SOME Magazine emerges from an urge to fight monotony with an experimental approach to the magazine industry thus they are constantly aiming for alternative options to delight their readers."

SOME is an independently-published international magazine based in Puerto Rico. The magazine is published quarterly in digital format. They are devoted to fashion, art and design. SOME is a reference guide for personal style and is expected to inspire rather than dictate.

The magazine is divided in three sections:

- SOME STUFF features a vast selection of editorial stories by a diversity of contributors.

- SOME PROJECTS reinvent the magazine one issue at a time.

- SOME ONE proposes an innovative way of interviewing.

Their objective is to end monotony by being spontaneous and unexpected. They want their readers to become self-conscious when establishing their personal styles and be inspired by everything that surrounds them. They encourage people to pursue individuality and uniqueness. They incite everybody to exploit imagination and to take risks when it comes to the creative process therefore they give their contributors the freedom an artist deserves.

Their manifesto is: "Fashion is the art form and Personal Style the medium."

Country: Brazil
City: Puerto Rico

Paper Planes is a biannual fashion magazine made in Barcelona. The value of the Paper Planes brand list in the seal of quality belonging to each of the published proposals, the revolutionary layout of its typography and the collaboration of prestigious photographers and designers.

Country: Spain
City: Barcelona
Country: Albania
City: Tirana

Women's Health reaches a new generation of women who don't like the way most women's magazines make them feel.

Women's Health is for the woman who wants to reach a healthy, attractive weight but doesn't equate that with having thighs the size of toothpicks. They know that exercising and eating well will make you happier and stronger (even if after-work runs can really suck). That looking and feeling good have very little to do with cosmetics and high heels (though they can help you feel glamorous on a Saturday night). And that life can be stressful since there's never enough time, but balance is achievable (with a little help).

Most of all, WH focuses on what you can do, right now, to improve your life.

Country: United States
City: New York

Glamour launched in 2012 in print and online, encapsulating the brand's DNA for fashion and fun. Glamour is the first magazine in the market to create a mobile app for multiple platforms on launch. Glamour magazine is published monthly.

Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

Moi Ostrov the Stylish Russian magazine, published monthly in Cyprus. It is the most read Russian magazine in Cyprus with articles on Fashion, Beauty, Shopping, Lifestyle, People and Events in Cyprus and the World.

Moi Ostrov is published on the 1st of every month and distributed all over Cyprus in Hotels, Airports, premium venues, chic seaside cafeterias, boutiques and showrooms.

Country: Cyprus
City: Paphos
Country: Norway
City: Oslo
Country: Spain
City: Barcelona
