


Country: Serbia
City: Beograd
Country: Brazil
City: Porto Alegre
Country: Germany
City: Berlin

View of the times is an European magazine written in Spanish and English with a French and Italian translation and local agendas. Comes out two times in a year.

Country: Spain
City: Madrid

W Korea launched in 2005 and has become well regarded for publishing innovative and artistic visuals along with cutting-edge feature articles. W Korea has also launched a number of successful mobile and tablet applications and is popular on social media, demonstrated by the large number of Twitter followers. W magazine is a monthly publication.

Country: South Korea
City: Seoul
Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo
Country: China
City: Hong Kong
Country: Malaysia
City: Petaling Jaya

The Ultimate Fashion Sewing Magazine. For over 80 years Vogue Patterns has been a style leader, a resource, and a source of inspiration for those who take their sewing seriously. Each issue includes inspiring projects, tips and techniques from renowned sewing authorities, and the newest high-fashion designs to make yourself.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: United Kingdom
City: London

Ilovefake Magazine is a digital bi-monthly magazine mixing fashion, art & culture. Celebrating the spirit of youth.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
