


Country: Slovenia
City: Ljubljana
Country: Spain
City: Barcelona
Country: United Kingdom
City: London

PLANET is an independent culture and lifestyle magazine focusing on art, fashion, music, film, travel, the environment, and design - all from a uniquely eclectic and international perspective.

Like contemporary culture itself, PLANET defies simple categorization. They are both sophisticated and bohemian. Smart and sexy. Hedonistic and socially aware.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Portugal
City: Cruz Quebrada, Portugal
Country: Norway
City: Oslo
Country: Poland
City: Warsaw
Country: Italy
City: Milan

Zeitgeist - originally a German word, literally meaning Spirit (Geist) of the Time (Zeit). It has come to denote an intellectual and cultural climate of an era.

StyleZeitgeist is an online community of individuals who are passionate about fashion design. Fashion stands at unique crossroads of artistic and individual expression, utility, and commerce, and they recognize it as such. Today, it has also become an integral part of Zeitgeist. The aim of this community is to promote an ongoing discussion about fashion, through online forums and news. Another aim of this community is to divorce fashion from consumerism and celebrity culture.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: France
City: Paris

ACNE Paper was developed as a visual form of communicating the ACNE collective and what inspires it. The Independent Newspaper describes it as “pointing to the future of fashion publishing.”

Country: Sweden
City: Stockholm
