


Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
Country: Germany

Launched in March 2013, L’Officiel Indonesia has all the skills to become the reference fashion and style magazine in this fast growing country. The magazine offers an in-depth analysis of the fashion trends not only in Indonesia, but accross the world, thanks to the close cooperation between the local team and the Paris head quarters. Each issue, L’Officiel Indonesia will develop its own soul, always mantaining an eye on international trends.

Country: Indonesia
City: Jakarta
Country: Thailand
City: Bangkok

Creating a magazine packed with informative editorial is one half of our goal. Taking that information and delivering it in a format that can consistently keep readers excited is their ultimate mission. NewBeauty's design and information architecture is unlike any other women's magazine in the market today.

Country: United States
City: Boca Raton
Country: South Africa
Country: Spain
City: Madrid

Vogue is a fashion and lifestyle magazine published in 16 countries + Latin America by Condé Nast Publications. Each month, Vogue publishes a magazine addressing topics of fashion, life and design.

Vogue is most famous as a presenter of images of high fashion and high society, but it also publishes writings on art, culture, politics, and ideas. It has also helped to enshrine the fashion model as celebrity.

Country: Peru
City: Lima

ELLE became the world's largest fashion magazine by suggesting but never prescribing; by offering a rich mix of high and low; and above all by leading the reader to discover her personal style.

A mission is nothing if not a promise: ELLE pledges that even while we change—as every living thing must—we will never lose our intelligence, our wit, our cool, and our ability to be just a little ahead of the times.

Country: Croatia
City: Zagreb

El País Semanal is a fashion supplement of one of the Spanish leading daily newspapers El País.

Country: Spain
City: Madrid

Volt Magazine is a creative hybrid that they created to showcase original (specifically commissioned) work form some of the most directional and vital international fashion talents that are fuelling the British scene right now.

Over-sized and unbound the unique format was conceived so that every inch could be relished simultaneously and to push the conventional magazine format way beyond its tight perimeters, producing something that genuinely works a fresh perspective.

Snubbing the inherent censorship that somes with cosying up too close to celebrity Volt's a serious salute to those photographers, stylists, hair & make-up artists and writers still serious about experimenting with fashion without any ties - dispensing with the fame for finance attitude in favour of a magazine with real integrity.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
