Surface Asia

Surface Asia aims to be the definitive magazine for all categories of design across Asia-Pacific, bringing you the latest news and insights on the design industries of the region six times a year.

We cast the spotlight on the designers leading the trends and reshaping the creative landscape, and establish a forum in which regional designers can exchange ideas, gain inspiration and collaborate on projects.



W Korea launched in 2005 and has become well regarded for publishing innovative and artistic visuals along with cutting-edge feature articles. W Korea has also launched a number of successful mobile and tablet applications and is popular on social media, demonstrated by the large number of Twitter followers. W magazine is a monthly publication.

Country: South Korea
City: Seoul
Country: Greece
City: Athens
Country: United Arab Emirates
City: Abu Dhabi
Country: United States
City: Maryland

Creating a magazine packed with informative editorial is one half of our goal. Taking that information and delivering it in a format that can consistently keep readers excited is their ultimate mission. NewBeauty's design and information architecture is unlike any other women's magazine in the market today.

Country: United States
City: Boca Raton
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei City

DNA is Australia's best-selling magazine for gay men. Every month, you'll find great feature stories, celebrity profiles, pop culture reviews and sensational photography of some of the world's sexiest male models in our fashion stories. DNA was launched in Australia in 2000 and is available worldwide in bookstores and newsagents throughout Canada, US, UK and Europe. DNA can be ordered online and shipped anywhere in the world.

Many people ask why a gay magazine is called DNA and if it has anything to do with Deoyxribose Nucleic Acid. Yes and no. Back in 2000, there was a lot of talk about the ‘gay gene' in human DNA. We decided DNA was a great title for a gay magazine. It also gave us a chance to say that being gay has something to do with what's in your jeans!

Country: Australia
City: Sydney
Country: Switzerland
City: Zurich

James Fashion shows the latest items and products in fashion, style, cosmetics and accessories. All designed for men! For the modern man is fashionable and smart. James wants to be a ‘guide’, leading him to his own personal style and image. With advice and inspiration.

As well as a survey of the latest issue and information about possibilities to order, the website of James offers a glimpse behind the scenes. Short films give an interesting impression of the photo shoots for the magazine.

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: China
City: Beijing
