This Is Tiffany



Black Magazine emerged in a flurry of black and white as a quarterly fashion, beauty, arts and culture magazine back in 2006. It is published from New Zealand, created by a network of friends and contributors around the world and in 2008 the publication went bi-annual. People often ask Rachael Churchward and Grant Fell, the founders of the magazine, about the title ‘Black,’ and their thinking was simple; “Black is the colour of New Zealand, black is the staple colour of fashion, black is the colour of the sand on the beach where we live at Muriwai, West Auckland, Aotearoa. Our national rugby team is called the All Blacks and our cat Oscar is, you guessed it, black.

The fashion and beauty contributions are all commissioned (Black does not take submissions) exclusively for Black Magazine. New Zealand, Australia, USA, UK and France are the primary locations for the magazine’s editorial content although stories have come from; Thailand, India, Italy, Japan, Polynesia, Holland, Canada, Hong Kong and many other places. Photography is king at Black Mag and current or past contributors include; Robert Erdmann, Derek Kettela, Michael Schwartz, Arnaldo Anaya-Lucca, Paul Empson, Arthur Belebeau, Johnny Gembitsky, Seiji Fukamori, Toshihiro Takaoka, James Demitri, Derek Henderson, Russ Flatt, Tim White, Craig Owen and many more. Fashion, Beauty and Creative Director Rachael Churchward’s strong stylistic ethic ensures that Black’s fashion editors are always at the top of their game – current or past fashion editors include: Alex Slavycz, Christian Stroble, Dean Voycovich, June Nakamoto, Kimi O.Neill, William Gilchrist, Katie Felstead, Zoe James, Imogene Barron, Wil Ariyamethe, Anda & Masha, Atip W, Karen Inderbitzen-Waller and more. Beauty is also high on the Black agenda and past or present contributors include: Sam McKnight, Kerry Warn, Sharon Dowsett, Valery Gherman, Ashley Javier, Dennis Goutsolous, Leon Gorman, Greg Murrell, Stefan Knight, Virginia Carde to name a few. Last but not least, Black has always sought quality models. Whilst quality isn’t always easy to come by down under, the magazine’s New York, London and Paris teams have ensured the list of models appearing in Black is of a high standard. Cover girls include: Valentina Zelyaeva, Ali Stephens, Heather Marks, Siri Tollerod, Constance Jablonski, Heidi Mount, Kemp Muhl, Rachel Alexander and Rosie Huntington-Whitely.

Black Is not gender-specific equally featuring women’s and men’s editorials and the past two issues have also featured a male cover. The magazine has a number of sections; Blackhearts and Blacklist (profiles), Black Beauty, Black Fashion, TalkBlack (interviews and features) and The Black End (page artworks, photography, travel). Black 11 is on sale NZ in October, Australia in November and UK, Europe and eastern USA pre Christmas and you will also see it here on F-Tape in October.

Country: New Zealand
City: Auckland

Playboy offers everything that fascinates men. The most attractive female beauty, lifestyle, in-depth interviews and the latest must-have gadgets. But also travel, films, music, literature and culinary. Playboy has it all. This wide range of subjects is the great strength of the self-willed quality monthly with the internationally famous brand name. Moreover, it regularly offers an exclusive report of a beautiful, naked Dutch female celebrity, stylishly photographed by a top photographer. In a word, Playboy is a bull’s eye for a broad group of men aged 18-45 who enjoy the pleasures of life.

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam

Pregnant women are plagued by questions: What’s happening to my body? How is my baby developing? What on earth am I going to wear to work? Will I ever be able to have sex again after the birth? What is labour going to be like? Should I give up coffee, exercise, wine, sushi and cheese? Which pain medication should I use? How will I cope? What maternity rights do I have in my job? Pregnant women want to absorb as much information as possible about pregnancy, birth and motherhood. And while pregnancy books are valuable resources for these women, they don’t offer the entertaining lifestyle experience of a magazine. Finally, in Cosmopolitan Pregnancy, Cosmopolitan has provided the perfect product for pregnant Australian women, with a magazine that’s as stylish as it is informative. As the only internationally recognised brand name in the pregnancy market, Cosmopolitan Pregnancy is a magazine that caters to more people than just readers of Cosmopolitan, and provides a degree of aspiration and confidence that is entirely missing from this category.

Country: Australia
City: Sydney

True Love Magazine is considered a sister publication to Afrikaans Sarie and English Fair Lady. These three titles are published by Media24 (Naspers).

True Love is situated in the giant media house's Johannesburg offices.

Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
Country: Germany
City: Munich

Organice Your Life is the website & online magazine for eating organically, keeping organized, and living a very nice life.

Brought to you by people that know firsthand:

Models, Celebrities and other Fashion & Entertainment insiders.

“Organice Your Life” comes from the words:

“ Organize”. “Organic” and “Nice“,

as they think those are the 3 key words in living a happy and healthy life.

The main goal of Organice Your Life® (OYL) is to make as much information and links accessible to anyone who wants to do something,to try to make their own life, or the world around them a bit better. Little efforts can sometimes mean a huge positive difference!

Organice Your Life® works with the circle of 5.

1. Organice® Your Home

2. Organice® Your Agenda

3. Organice® Yourself

4. Organice® Your Relationships.

5. Organice® Your Good Heart.

The subjects covered are very broad, including Fashion, Nutrition, Health, Physiology, Psychology, Science, News, Relationships and Sex.They have all in common that we are looking for the best, healthiest, organic, fair trade or environment, animal and human friendly options.

Through this website,and with columns, interviews, workshops, books, tv ,radio shows, events and other ways, this information is brought to the public in a young, hip and fun way.

The contributors of Organice Your Life® are all young successful men and women from within the Fashion & Entertainment industry, who the philosophy: Get started. Get Organiced!® .

You can click on every step of the Organice Your Life Circle of 5, and then it will show all articles that are filed under that specific step.

Organice Your Home: will have everything to make your home or place to stay, a cosy, clean and fun place,

Organice Your Agenda: will have fun events and important dates to put in your agenda, tips to organize your finances, how to deal with your time management, and things to put on your to-do list,

Organice Yourself: This is the most diverse step, and covers everything that can make you improve yourself: physically and emotionally, by nutrition, work outs, skin care, spirituality, hobbies, psychology , fashion make-up etc.

Organice Your Relationships: This is about the relationships you have with people, animals, nature and with the supernatural,

Organice Your Good Heart: has everything about goodwill and charities, and gives you ideas what you can do for others!

Country: United States
City: New York

Modern Luxury Media is the premier luxury lifestyle publisher in the United States. With titles in the most influential major cities, Modern Luxury excels in capturing the urbane metropolitan lifestyle.

Whether it's a revealing celebrity profile, a special feature on the chicest trends in design, cutting-edge fashion spreads or an in-depth review of the city's hot spots, our magazines consistently engage the affluent reader. Choose from more than 30 publications in 13 major markets and view most of them, interactively, with our digital editions.

Their upscale city titles reach the most sophisticated residents in 13 cities across the country. Covering everything from world-class dining and unparalleled local service to in-depth celebrity features, their city magazines are their must-have publications.

Country: United States
City: Chicago

L’Officiel China was first published in 1980. In 2003 it merged with the Chinese title Fashion, the longest-lasting fashion publication in China and a pioneer of Chinese culture. Born from those two fashion icons, L’Officiel China is the perfect mix of iconic Eastern and Western styles, introducing selected French content together with the latest Chinese trends.

Country: China
City: Beijing
Country: Italy
City: Modena
Country: Spain
City: Madrid

Vogue Collections Paris: One of the most popular collections magazines published in France. Features top collections from biggest fashion design houses. Published twice annually.

Country: France
City: Paris

India's premier luxury and lifestyle monthly.

Country: India
City: Mumbai
