


Country: United States
City: Los Angeles
Country: United Kingdom
City: London

West fuses with East. East meets West. W.E. is a new breed of Style Culture/Design boutique magazine that brings the best of two worlds together. It appeals to readers who are influential and affluent, global in vision and yet individual in taste. W.E. aims to capture the innovative and the inspirational with special focus on the Asian metropolis, and present them through bold design and sophisticated concepts. Anything but a ghettoized ethnic magazine. W.E. initiates our readers in to a hybrid world of the future. As all things Asian increase in global influence across areas of lifestyle, design, fashion, entertainment, culture and philosophy, a premier cultural and lifestyle guide in timely due. W.E. features the modern, creative and diverse selection of talents in Asia that are visionary, provocative and sense enriching. The focus is Asia, but the approach is international. Bringing together both emerging and iconoclastic creators and contributors from around the world, in fields of photography, graphic design, fashion entertainment and media. W.E. offers an unique editorial attitude and original design concept. Our aesthetics is versatile and witty, with no want of sophistication. W.E. advocates a new attitude towards life in 21th century. That is, to globalize the regional and individualize the universal.

Country: China
City: Hong Kong
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Uzbekistan
City: Tashkent

Vogue Taiwan is published twelve times a year. Vogue Taiwan almost always uses Asian models, musicians, and thespians; as such, it only occasionally uses reprints from other magazines. From what I've seen of Leslie Kee, a prominant photographer for Taiwan Vogue, this edition of Vogue is full of energy and colour. Many of the fashion editorials are portrait-like, using multiple asian models in each sitting. Vogue Taiwan first issue commenced with October 1996 featuring Canadian Linda Evangelista; by 2000 they had begun to be more regionally representative.

Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei City

We Ar is a comprehensive research and coverage of latest high end fashion, stylish trends, accessories, shoe from all major fashion cities, top brands and lifestyle stores around the world. Lots of intelligent features, interviews and business tips, professional quality photos of store displays and show windows, displays and interiors. We Ar magazine is a must for fashion professionals, manufacturers and retails as well.

Country: Austria
City: Zell am See is the place for young women to look around before they go shopping in town or on the web. It offers a daily update of personal fashion news and of shopping tips from professional stylists and shopaholics. Twice a week (on Wednesday and Friday) a newsletter is sent to 35,000 young women, full of competitions, fashion news and shopping tips for the weekend.

The visitors of play an active role, by reacting to news items and by sharing experiences and tips on the Shopforum. The visitors of are young women aged 20 to 35 who love fashion and shopping. There are various possibilities for advertisers. As well as the popular banners it is possible to have a made-to-measure sponsor package (like for instance sponsoring national and international Fashion weeks).

Country: Netherlands
City: Hoofddorp
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
Country: Canada
City: Toronto
Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Country: South Korea
City: Seoul
