


Country: Australia
City: Surry Hills

With a fresh new look and more news content, practical business advice than ever before, Professional Beauty provides you with all the information you need to grow your business and make it a success.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

Maxim India is a publication of a popular international men's magazine based in the United Kingdom and known for its revealing pictorials featuring popular actresses, singers, and female models, none of which are nudes. In 2008, the magazine started to publish a version of the magazine in India for the Indian audience. Largely covering everything related to men's lifestyle, Maxim India is currently the industry leader for men's magazines in India.

Country: India
City: UK
Country: United States
City: New York

So you may have seen or heard about the new CITY. Yes, it’s bigger. Yes, it has a new look and feel. Yes, it’s sexy as hell. And the new format is just the most visible of the changes. CITY has been a part of the cultural landscape since its birth in SoHo over a decade ago, but they are the first to acknowledge that there are a plethora of magazines on the newsstand that deal, in not-so-different ways, with the same “style” territory. They wanted CITY to break that mold, to stand out from the crowd, to be original and unique, and they decided to go about being revolutionary by going back to basics.

So the format: oversized, saddle-stitched, classic, reminiscent of magazines in publishing’s “golden age” — the Vanity Fair and Esquire of the ’60s, the Nova and Interview of the ’70s — and with a point of view to match. Every city needs a voice, and they want this city’s—New York City’s—to be theirs. There is a vibrant creative community here, probably the most fertile in the world. These individuals are the architects of influence, but it’s been a while since there was a publication that really personified and spoke to and for them. The new CITY is that book. CITY is the magazine for, by, and about New York City’s arbiters of excellence.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Spain
City: Barcelona

Asiana Wedding International is a glossy 224 pages quartely magazine, printed in India & distributed across India & around the world. It includes significant editorial content to provide the reader with a valuable source of information on wedding and lifestyle service providers, including - Fashion Houses, Designers, Jewellers, Make-up and hair Salons.

Bridal outfits, Venues, Caterers, Event Management, Flower Arrangements, Honeymoon destinations, grooms products, Ideas and advice.

Health and Beauty styles ideas, Lifestyle features, Travel, Recepies and International directory of products and services.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: France
City: Paris

Vanity Fair is a magazine of pop culture, fashion, and politics published by Condé Nast Publications. The present Vanity Fair has been published since 1983 and there have been editions for four European countries as well as the U.S. edition.

Country: Italy
City: Milan

West fuses with East. East meets West. W.E. is a new breed of Style Culture/Design boutique magazine that brings the best of two worlds together. It appeals to readers who are influential and affluent, global in vision and yet individual in taste. W.E. aims to capture the innovative and the inspirational with special focus on the Asian metropolis, and present them through bold design and sophisticated concepts. Anything but a ghettoized ethnic magazine. W.E. initiates our readers in to a hybrid world of the future. As all things Asian increase in global influence across areas of lifestyle, design, fashion, entertainment, culture and philosophy, a premier cultural and lifestyle guide in timely due. W.E. features the modern, creative and diverse selection of talents in Asia that are visionary, provocative and sense enriching. The focus is Asia, but the approach is international. Bringing together both emerging and iconoclastic creators and contributors from around the world, in fields of photography, graphic design, fashion entertainment and media. W.E. offers an unique editorial attitude and original design concept. Our aesthetics is versatile and witty, with no want of sophistication. W.E. advocates a new attitude towards life in 21th century. That is, to globalize the regional and individualize the universal.

Country: China
City: Hong Kong
Country: Sweden
City: Stockholm
