


Country: Russia
City: Moscow

Myer Emporium magazine is published with Myer as a reward for Myer One members. The fashion and lifestyle title goes out to 250,000 high-income, high-spending Myer One members and is received in store. The frequency is four times a year. The magazine, relaunched by ACP Magazines in 2009, showcases the very best of Myer product in a premium editorial environment and covers fashion, accessories, beauty, homewares, kids, technology and culture. It is a magazine that caters to the reader’s interests and lifestyles and has a proven track record of increasing sales of products included in the magazine. Myer Emporium is Myer’s customers shopping bible, a one-shop solution for all their lifestyle needs.

Country: Australia
City: Melbourne
Country: China
City: Beijing
Country: Spain
City: Gran Canaria

Ocean Drive is a magazine that reports entertainment and local events in Miami, Florida, in the United States. The magazine often has interviews with celebrities, and stories on music and nightlife. Sarah Harrelson is the Editor in Chief. The magazine's headquarters are located in South Beach

Country: United States
City: Miami Beach

Fash­ion Jour­nal is the voice of urban style on the streets. Australia’s pre­mier free fash­ion mag­a­zine is the go-to guide for fashion-savvy trend-setters show­cas­ing the fresh­est blend of fash­ion with a uniquely local feel.

Reflect­ing the con­stantly evolv­ing world of youth and street fash­ion trends, FJ is renowned for expos­ing the most antic­i­pated design­ers our coun­try has to offer. Lus­cious adver­to­r­ial pages show­case the lat­est ranges and pieces while inspir­ing, fun fash­ion shoots bring to life the colour and trends of the season.

Fea­tur­ing both local and inter­na­tional design­ers this bi-monthly com­pendium has become the apoth­e­o­sis of street and high fash­ion since it strode down the pub­li­ca­tion cat­walk in 1991. Now dis­trib­ut­ing copies to over 1200 points includ­ing fash­ion bou­tiques, chain stores, cafes and hair salons nation­wide FJ is the most acces­si­ble guide to what’s hot right now in the world of fashion.

Country: Australia
City: Richmond

New Zealand Woman's Weekly brings a wide variety of news, stories, recipes and helpful hints to the home every week.

Country: New Zealand
City: Auckland
Country: France
City: Gennevilliers
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
Website: http://spur.jp

Oakazine is a quarterly art, fashion and culture dossier taht profiles teh most cutting-edge minds in the arts and gives teh best photographers and stylists an arena to create teh editorials they want to create.

Oakazine is a publication for those who see the dawn before the rest of the world.

For the creative minds who reappropriate past art-forms, consider present art-forms and alloy them into something futuristic and never seen before.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: France
City: Paris
