Vogue Hommes International

French Men's fashion and style at its best, Vogue Hommes Intl is smartly put together with numerous pictures of handsome models in smart designers suits, latest and trendiest clothes, activewear, causalwear, beachwear, denim, knits, shoes, accessories and much more. Impressively delivers what a men expects from Vogue.



Vs. is a large format fashion and culture magazine with a stand out visual identity and an uncompromising aesthetic standard. Since the first issue of Vs. appeared in 2006, it has been known to set new standards withing the field of fashion photography and magazine design; combining high-end with avant-garde in a true vs. (versus) spirit.

Vs Magazine is published in 32 countries in 5 different language editions (English, French, Italian, Scandinavian and Chinese). It features high-profile names and fashion icons while never loosing touch with undercurrent fashion vibes and the vanguard cultural scene. Vs. Magazine caters to the discriminating palate of the fashion front-runners while keeping their entourage from novices to style icons in the loop.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: United States
City: Las Vegas
Country: China
Country: China
City: Hong Kong

Because every woman deserves to look in the mirror and say WOW!

WOW NOW is all about putting together all sorts of aspects of an ideal World of Women. Our world revolves around the latest tips and expert information on beauty, health and wellness with a small dose of man candy and a sprinkle of celebrity gossip.

Whether you're the girl next door, the busy professional or a mama-

to-be, we've got you covered.

In our world, women are passionate, women are creative and women are beautiful. Because every woman deserves to look in the mirror and say WOW!

Country: Greece
City: Athens

The theme for Marie Claire is “More than a Pretty Face”. The magazine gives readers information about different women around the world and their needs, struggles, and stories of life.

The goal of the magazine is to provide readers with a substantial amount of information about new looks in the fashion industry as well as current issues that women of the world are facing. Moreover, it also adds relationship information, along with a section dedicated to answering specific questions from readers. It provides information pertaining to different items of clothing and accessories, as well as which would be a better deal. Each month recognizes a particular female celebrity by placing her on the cover of the magazine and featuring her in a main article, along with providing monthly horoscope.

Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Country: United States
City: Miami
Country: Germany
City: Ulm

The Goodwood Magazine is a stylish read for all and will look just divine as a centrepiece publication for your coffee table. From motorsport to horse racing and historic Goodwood, the annual estate magazine is a fashion, arts and sportsman's delight.

The Goodwood Season Magazine is produced as part of The Telegraph’s new partnership with Goodwood. In addition to an active presence at Goodwood during the summer season of events, The Telegraph will also be hosting a Goodwood microsite, telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/goodwood, with comprehensive information on the estate including its history, up-to-date news and guides to all of this summer’s events.

Edited by Peter Howarth, the magazine focused on the three events central to the Goodwood season: The Glorious Goodwood, The Festival of Speed, and the Goodwood Revival. The Goodwood Season Magazine brought to life the combination of history, technology, fashion and sport that these events embody through insightful commentary and vivid photography from contributors working across the Telegraph’s newspaper and magazine products, say the publishers.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Russia
City: Moscow

New Zealand Woman's Weekly brings a wide variety of news, stories, recipes and helpful hints to the home every week.

Country: New Zealand
City: Auckland
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

Fash­ion Jour­nal is the voice of urban style on the streets. Australia’s pre­mier free fash­ion mag­a­zine is the go-to guide for fashion-savvy trend-setters show­cas­ing the fresh­est blend of fash­ion with a uniquely local feel.

Reflect­ing the con­stantly evolv­ing world of youth and street fash­ion trends, FJ is renowned for expos­ing the most antic­i­pated design­ers our coun­try has to offer. Lus­cious adver­to­r­ial pages show­case the lat­est ranges and pieces while inspir­ing, fun fash­ion shoots bring to life the colour and trends of the season.

Fea­tur­ing both local and inter­na­tional design­ers this bi-monthly com­pendium has become the apoth­e­o­sis of street and high fash­ion since it strode down the pub­li­ca­tion cat­walk in 1991. Now dis­trib­ut­ing copies to over 1200 points includ­ing fash­ion bou­tiques, chain stores, cafes and hair salons nation­wide FJ is the most acces­si­ble guide to what’s hot right now in the world of fashion.

Country: Australia
City: Richmond

French Men's fashion and style at its best, Vogue Hommes Intl is smartly put together with numerous pictures of handsome models in smart designers suits, latest and trendiest clothes, activewear, causalwear, beachwear, denim, knits, shoes, accessories and much more. Impressively delivers what a men expects from Vogue.

Country: France
City: Paris
